Allen, MarilynMarilynAllen2022-09-122020-04-302022-09-1220192366-4142[re]territorialisation adopts a bi-column structure as a method to explore how meaning is distributed between human and digital voices. This bi-discursive paper was generated via a performative gesture where words spoken by a human subject, occupying the left-hand column, were translated by a digital subject to produce text for the right-hand column. de[re]territorialisation explores the potentiality for new narrative flows to be produced through errancy and anomaly, and the capacity for the interplay between the human voice and computational voice recognition systems to deterritorialise and reterritorialise content.enNamensnennung 4.0 Internationaldigitalityabsurdismabstract machineparapoeticsparatextddc:300de[re]territorialisation