Er, ElifElifEr2023-03-082012-05-302023-03-082012978-3-8359-5891-3 summary, in the first part of the study the impact of four different sampling techniques (20G intradermic needle, 18G venous catheter, a 14G x 16 cm radiopaque polyurethane central venous catheter inserted with Seldinger technique and a 13G central venous catheter placed with the over-the-needle method) on the primary hemostasis (whole blood aggregation) and coagulation parameters PT, aPTT, fibrinogen plasma concentration, FVIII activity, natural inhibitors of coagulation (AT, PC, PS, APC-ratio) and fibrin D-dimer plasma concentration as well as a kaolin-activated TEG analysis as a global test was investigated . There were no statistically significant changes in the previously described markers.In the second part of the study, the effect of submaximal exercise on whole blood aggregation, ADVIA 2120 activation indices, PT, aPTT, fibrinogen plasma concentration, FVIII activity, natural inhibitors of coagulation (AT, PC, PS, APC-ratio) and fibrin D-dimer plasma concentration as well as a kaolin-activated TEG analysis as a global test before, directly after and 60 minutes after exercise was examined.It was observed that directly after submaximal exercise, a decreased platelet activation state was present. A subsequent mild transient postexercise platelet hyperreactivity with a following platelet hypofunction was also noticed.enIn Copyrightddc:630Effect of sampling on coagulation variables and effect of submaximal physical exercise on ADVIA 2120 platelet activation indices, platelet function, secondary and tertiary hemostasis as well as thrombelastography in healthy dogs