Diamondoid coating enables disruptive approach for chemical and magnetic imaging with 10nm spatial resolution


Diamondoids are unique molecular nano-materials with diamond structure and fascinating properties such as negative electron affinity and short electron mean free paths. A thin layer of diamondoids deposited on a cathode is able to act as an electron monochromator, reducing the energy spread of photo-emitted electrons from a surface. This property can be applied effectively to improve the spatial resolution in x-ray photoemission electron microscopy (X-PEEM), which is limited by chromatic aberration of the electron optics. In this paper, we present X-PEEM measurements reaching the technological relevant spatial resolution of 10?nm without the need of expensive and complex corrective optics. Our results provide a simple approach to image surface chemical and magnetic information at nanometer scales by employing diamondoids.




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Applied Physics Letters 101(16):163101 doi:10.1063/1.4756893
