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Vergleichende Analyse der zwei minimalinvasiven operativen Verfahren PreserFlo und Viskokanaloplastik ab interno zur intraokularen Drucksenkung miteinander bezüglich Effektivität und Komplikationsrate anhand mehrerer Parameter
(2024) Tan, Gabriel
Hintergrund: Das therapeutische Ziel neuer minimalinvasiver glaukomchirurgischer Verfahren sollte darin bestehen, die Effektivität des etablierten Standards, der Trabekulektomie zu erreichen oder zu übertreffen. Methode: Diese Arbeit umfasste eine vergleichende retrospektive Analyse der minimalinvasiven Verfahren MicroShunt-Implantation (Gruppe Preserflo) und der ab interno Viskokanaloplastik (Gruppe Visko) hinsichtlich Effektivität und Sicherheit der Methoden. Ergebnis: Beide operative Verfahren resultierten in einer deutlichen Reduktion des Augeninnendrucks. In dem Zeitraum der ersten postoperativen Woche konnte ein hochsignifikanter Unterschied zwischen den beiden Gruppe sowohl bezüglich des durchschnittlichen intraokularen Drucks an Tag 1 (p < 0,001) und Woche 1 (p < 0,001) als auch in der Entwicklung des Augeninnendrucks (Druckdifferenz) (p < 0,001 und p = 0,002) evaluiert werden. Der durchschnittliche Augeninnendruck der Patienten nach einer Visco blieb über den beobachteten Zeitraum konstant. In der Preserflo stieg der intraokulare Druck nach einem Monat leicht an (Median = 23 mmHg, IQR 17 – 36 mmHg) und pendelte sich dann im medianen Druckbereich der Patienten nach Visco ein. Ab dem Beobachtungszeitraum von über 3 Monaten bis 6 Monate postoperativ war kein signifikanter Unterschied beim Augeninnendruck zwischen den beiden operativen Verfahren feststellbar. Nach einem Beobachtungszeitraum von über 6 Monaten wurde zwischen den beiden Gruppen kein signifikanter Unterschied beim parameter der Augendrucksenkung festgestellt ( Preserflow-Gruppe 26,3% vs 26,6% in der Visko-Gruppe), wobei in der Preserflow Gruppe eine deutliche größere Streuung der Augeninnendruckwerte beobachtet wurde.. Bei den Patienten der Visko-Gruppe wurde eine geringere Komplikationsrate festgestellt zustellen und der Visus stabil blieb. In der Preserflow Gruppe kam es im Zeitraum von 6 Monaten postoperativ zu einer signifikanten Reduktion der Sehschärfe. Eine postoperative augendrucksenkende Lokalmedikation war nach der Visko zu einem deutlichfrüheren Zeitpunkt und bei einer höheren Anzahl an Patienten indiziert als nach einer Preserflo. Der Umfang der Tropftherapie konnte bei beiden Verfahren nur geringfügig verbessert werden. Am ersten postoperativen Tag konnte ein Augendruck < 18 mmHg ohne drucksenkende Therapie in der Preserflo Gruppe bei 98% in din der Visko Gruppe 75% der Patienten erreicht werden. Der Großteil der Patienten (75 % - 98 %) erreichte einen intraokularen Druck unter 18 mmHg ohne antihypertensive Medikation in beiden Studiengruppen.
A geolocated dataset of German news articles
(2025-01-30) Kriesch, Lukas; Losacker, Sebastian
This data repository consists of a SQLite database with metadata of about 50 million German news articles extracted from the Common Crawl News Dataset. The dataset consists of an SQLite database and a Usearch vector database, which together provide comprehensive data storage and semantic search capabilities. The SQLite database contains structured information about articles and their associated geographic locations, while the vector database enables efficient semantic search through vector representations of the articles. The article titles, texts and excerpts associated with this data can be retrieved directly from Common Crawl and linked to this dataset using the provided IDs. The code for creating this dataset, along with usage tutorials, can be found at: https://github.com/LukasKriesch/CommonCrawlNewsDataSet
Electron-Ion Recombination of Low-Charged Heavy Atomic Ions at the Cryogenic Storage Ring
(2025) Isberner, Leonard
For plasma modeling, e.g., in astrophysical environments, reliable data on the recombination of atomic ions with free electrons are required. Especially low-charged heavy ions, which have a high mass-to-charge ratio m/q, and which are found, e.g., in kilonovae, can have a complex electronic structure and therefore the recombination of these ions is difficult to treat theoretically. So far, no experimental data are available on the recombination of low-charged heavy ions. Due to technical limitations, previous electron-ion recombination experiments in storage rings were restricted to ions with a low mass-to-charge ratio m/q ≤ 15. Only in extremely challenging single-pass experiments, recombination of an ion with a higher m/q = 24 was measured. In this work, first experiments on electron-ion recombination of atomic ions were performed at the Cryogenic Storage Ring CSR at the Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik in Heidelberg. In two experiments, absolute merged-beams rate coefficients for electron-ion recombination were measured for Ne2+ and Xe3+ ions. Recombination features from radiative and dielectronic recombination have been observed. The first experiment, performed with Ne2+ ions (m/q = 10), demonstrates the general feasibility of electron-ion recombination experiments with atomic ions at CSR. The second experiment, performed with Xe3+ ions, which have a high mass-to-charge ratio of m/q = 43, proves the feasibility of recombination experiments with low-charged heavy ions at CSR. The experiments show that recombination of previously not accessible low-charged heavy atomic ions can be studied in the cryogenic environment of CSR.
Effects of Dopamine Receptor Activation on Synovial Fibroblasts Obtained from Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis Patients
(2024) van Nie, Lina
Rheumatoid Arthritis is a chronic autoimmune disease, with inflammation of the joints and several extraarticular manifestations. Even though 1% of the world’s population is affected and a majority of patients is in working-age, there is still no cure for this disease. Chronic inflammation of the small joint of hands and feet are typical manifestations, which leads to hyperproliferation of the inflamed synovium. Synovial fibroblasts transfom into aggressive cells, that invade into adjacent bone and cartilage structures, leading to progressive damage of the joint. Furthermore, they secrete immunomodulatory factors and show uninhibited proliferation. In recent studies, dopamine has been shown to be synthesized in RASF, and all DR subtypes have been found on RASF. Compared to OA, dopamine receptors were overexpressed, pointing towards a significant role of DR in RA. For the first time we could show, that D1DR, D2DR, D3DR and D5DR are present in the invasion zone. Here, D1DR, D2DR and D5DR were stronger expressed in the invasion zone compared to the sublining layer. This suggests a distinct contribution of the dopaminergic system concerning invasion of RASF into cartilage and bone. All tested DR were also stronger expressed in the lining layer compared to the sublining layer in RA and OA synovium and all tested DR were stronger expressed in RA than in OA synovium. In contrast to previous publications, we could not find relevant alterations in IL6, proMMP1 and MMP3 release under specific D1-like and D2-like receptor activation in different concentrations. Here, the incubation time of 24h might have been too short, or optimized drug treatment prior to surgery might also lead to the observed reduced effects. Cell migration and also motility under specific D1-like and D2-like receptor activation was highly age-dependent on both RA and OA patients. Younger patients (<75 years) showed a significant increase of cell migration and motility, whereas older patients (>75 years) showed a significant decrease of migration an motility after D1-like and D2-like receptor activation, both in different concentrations and compared to the respective unstimulated control. Although effects were very similar between RASF and OASF, effects were stronger in RASF. In this study we further investigated the dopamine system in RASF and showed, that dopamine has significant age-dependent effects on cell migration and motility, crucial character traits of RASF. As DR activation has opposite effects on cell migration and motility according to the patient’s age, the dopaminergic system in RA should be further investigated in order to enable adequate treatment.
Analysis of transition metal complexes formed through contact of skin with circulating coins and metabolipidomic changes induced by dermal nickel penetration determined in an ex vivo porcine ear skin model
(2024) Rezaei, Azar
Nickel allergic contact dermatitis (Ni-ACD) is the most common delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction affecting the skin worldwide, yet the underlying mechanisms remain elusive. This study presents a novel approach combining tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry imaging (MALDI MSI) to shed light on these interactions: The MS/MS analysis of metal complexes on 1-euro coins, a prevalent nickel, copper, and zinc source, unveiled their distribution with micrometer precision. A notable result from atmospheric pressure laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry imaging (AP-LDI MS) imaging of a cleaned 1-Euro coin is the detection of signals at m/z 207.8941 ([C4HO3NNi+K]+) and m/z 116.9527 ([CH4NZn+Na]+). Furthermore, we delved into the impact of simulated sweat components such as lactic acid, urea, and sodium chloride on metal dissolution, leading to the discovery of a unique copper complex at m/z 140.9728 [Cu(CH4N2O)+H2O]+. Notably, the concentration of metal ions increased on the surface of coins treated with artificial sweat solutions compared to cleaned Euro coins, especially nickel metal ions. Following the developing method for investigating metal ions, the MALDI MSI analysis of ex vivo porcine ear skin exposed to increasing nickel concentrations revealed the spatial distribution of nickel-induced metabolic alterations. We further investigated nickel penetration using the dimethylglyoxime (DMG) staining method. This method showed that most nickel ions were confined to the stratum corneum for lower nickel concentrations (up to 84 µg/cm²). Interestingly, areas with high nickel accumulation within the stratum corneum exhibited decreased levels of arginine and ceramides. Meanwhile, the deeper viable epidermis and dermis showed downregulation of specific lipids such as phosphatidylcholines and sphingomyelins. These findings advance our understanding of metal allergens and highlight the potential impact of sweat composition on increasing metal ions, which leads to metal allergy development. Moreover, the research provides direct insights into the effect of common metal allergens on skin metabolites and lipids. This underscores the need for further research to delve into the mechanisms of metal penetration and their effects on skin composition, which could potentially revolutionize treatment options for metal sensitivity and enhance the quality of life for individuals with metal allergies.