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Diagnostik, Therapie und postoperatives Überleben des Pulmonalarteriensarkoms und seine Abgrenzung zur akuten Lungenembolie und CTEPH: Ergebnisse einer retrospektiven deskriptiven Analyse
(2024) Tauber, Sebastian
Das Pulmonalarteriensarkom (PAS) ist ein seltener und schwer zu diagnostizierender maligner Tumor mit schlechter Prognose. In der hier präsentierten, retrospektiven Arbeit konnte mit 24 Fällen eines der größten PAS-Kollektive retrospektiv aufgearbeitet werden. Untersucht wurden sämtliche PatientInnen welche im Zeitraum von 2009 und 2019 aufgrund eines PAS in der Kerckhoff-Klinik Bad Nauheim stationär aufgenommen und operiert wurden. Die Geschlechtsverteilung lag bei 8 weiblichen zu 16 männlichen PatientInnen, das Durchschnittsalter bei rund 57 Jahren. Die mediane Dauer von Beginn der Symptomatik bis zur Operation lag bei 7,5 Monaten.
Präoperativ wurde in 19 Fällen eine PET-CT Untersuchung durchgeführt, auf Basis welcher in 16 Fällen (84%) korrekt ein PAS vermutet wurde. Die tatsächliche Ausbreitung des Tumors wurde anhand der Operationsberichte analysiert, woraus sich eine überwiegend zentrale Lage im Bereich des Truncus pulmonalis (86%) und der Hauptstämme der Aa. pulmonales (96%) zeigte. Die Pulmonalklappe war in 46% und der RVOT in 27% der Fälle betroffen.
In 16 von 19 analysierten Fällen (84%) wurde eine MDM2-Amplifikation festgestellt. 23 von 24 PatientInnen wurden einer pulmonalen Endarteriektomie (PEA) unterzogen. Adjuvant erhielten 10 PatientInnen eine Chemotherapie, 2 PatientInnen eine Strahlentherapie, 6 PatientInnen eine Kombination aus beiden und 4 PatientInnen erhielten keine adjuvante Therapie. Das Gesamtüberleben lag bei 23 Monaten im Median und 37 ± 8 (SE) Monaten im Durchschnitt, wobei sich keine statistisch signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen den Geschlechtern zeigten. Im Vergleich zwischen den Therapiemodalitäten zeigte sich ein durchschnittliches Überleben von 16 ± 4 Monaten in der Kohorte ohne adjuvante Therapie, 34 ± 10 Monaten in der Gruppe mit adjuvanter Therapie einer Modalität, und 51 ± 14 Monate in der Gruppe zweier Modalitäten, wobei die Unterschiede nicht statistisch signifikant waren (p = 0,221). Zum Zeitpunkt der Analyse waren 17 PatientInnen bereits verstorben, einer davon als Long-Survivor 18 Jahre nach Erstdiagnose. Retrospektiv konnte über das gesamte Kollektiv in 15 Fällen ein Rezidiv in Erfahrung gebracht werden, wobei diese überwiegend lokal (6), pulmonal (9) und zerebral (2) auftraten.
MOTH: Memory-Efficient On-the-Fly Tiling of Histological Image Annotations Using QuPath
(2024) Kauer, Thomas; Sehring, Jannik; Schmid, Kai; Bartkuhn, Marek; Wiebach, Benedikt; Crnkovic, Slaven; Kwapiszewska, Grazyna; Acker, Till; Amsel, Daniel
The emerging usage of digitalized histopathological images is leading to a novel possibility for data analysis. With the help of artificial intelligence algorithms, it is now possible to detect certain structures and morphological features on whole slide images automatically. This enables algorithms to count, measure, or evaluate those areas when trained properly. To achieve suitable training, datasets must be annotated and curated by users in programs like QuPath. The extraction of this data for artificial intelligence algorithms is still rather tedious and needs to be saved on a local hard drive. We developed a toolkit for integration into existing pipelines and tools, like U-net, for the on-the-fly extraction of annotation tiles from existing QuPath projects. The tiles can be directly used as input for artificial intelligence algorithms, and the results are directly transferred back to QuPath for visual inspection. With the toolkit, we created a convenient way to incorporate QuPath into existing AI workflows.
Kv3.3 Expression Enhanced by a Novel Variant in the Kozak Sequence of KCNC3
(2024) Reis, Marlen Colleen; Härtel, Frauke; Richter, Antje Maria; Weiß, Michaela; Mösle, Lea-Theresa; Dammann, Reinhard Heinrich; Nolte, Dagmar
Pathogenic variants in KCNC3, which encodes the voltage-gated potassium channel Kv3.3, are associated with spinocerebellar ataxia type 13. SCA13 is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by ataxia, dysarthria and oculomotor dysfunction, often in combination with other signs and symptoms such as cognitive impairment. Known disease-causing variants are localized in the protein coding regions and predominantly in the transmembrane and voltage sensing domains. In a patient with an ataxic movement disorder and progressive cognitive decline, the c.-6C>A variant was detected in the Kozak sequence of KCNC3. The Kozak sequence is responsible for efficient initiation of translation. Functional analysis of the new c.-6C>A variant and the upstream 5’-UTR region of KCNC3 by luciferase assays, quantitative PCR and methylation analysis shows increased protein expression but no effect on transcription rate. Therefore, increased translation initiation of KCNC3 transcripts compared to wild-type Kozak sequence seems to be the cause of the increased expression. Variants in the regulatory elements of disease-causing genes probably play an underestimated role.
Optimization of the cardiac delirium index by including age, decrease in butyrylcholinesterase actitivity, preoperative HbA1c, and postoperative hemoglobin levels: results of a secondary analysis of a prospective observational study
(2024) Zajonz, Thomas S.; Edinger, Fabian; Markmann, Melanie; Gräb, Katrin; Sander, Michael; Kunzemann, Christian; Koch, Christian; Schneck, Emmanuel
Introduction: Postoperative delirium (POD) after cardiac surgery significantly affects the perioperative morbidity and mortality. Butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) is an enzyme primarily produced in the liver, which plays a crucial role in the hydrolysis of acetylcholine outside of neuronal synapses, referred to as extraneuronal hydrolysis. The integration of BChE activity into the cardiac delirium (CARDEL) index might increase its predictive power for identifying POD after cardiac surgery. Therefore, the primary aim of this study was to assess the applicability of the CARDEL index and determine whether integrating the BChE activity enables optimization of the predictive model.
Methods: This secondary analysis of a prospective observational study included patients undergoing elective coronary artery bypass graft surgery. BChE activity is expressed in units per liter (U/L), while the BChE drop refers to the percentage decrease in BChE activity from pre- to postoperative levels. POD risk factors were identified using multivariate regression analysis. The predictive power of the CARDEL index and an optimized model including BChE was calculated with receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis.
Results: Of 93 included patients, 20 (21.5%) developed POD. Elevated preoperative HbA1c [OR 2.5 (1.2–4.8), p = 0.01], a decrease in BChE activity [%, OR 1.1 (1.0–1.2), p = 0.04], age [1 (0.94–1.1), p = 0.55], and a postoperative hemoglobin change [OR 0.86 (0.78–0.96), p < 0.001] were identified as independent risk factors for POD. While the CARDEL index showed a moderate prediction of POD [AUCROC of 0.74 (0.60–0.87)], the optimization including BChE resulted in a significant prognostic improvement: AUCROC of 0.84 (0.72–0.94, p < 0.001).
Conclusion: Despite the small size of this derivation cohort, this study identified elevated HbA1c as the strongest risk factor for the development of POD, followed by a decrease in BChE activity, postoperative anemia, and age, respectively. By including these parameters to the CARDEL index, its predictive power for the identification of POD significantly improved in this derivation cohort. Moving forward, integrating these findings into clinical practice could enhance early risk stratification and targeted intervention for patients at high risk of POD. Therefore, further research should evaluate these results in a larger, external cohort.
Artificial intelligence meets body sense: task-driven neural networks reveal computational principles of the proprioceptive pathway
(2024) van Dyck, Leonard E.; Bremmer, Frank; Dobs, Katharina