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Item Anbahnung räumlicher Orientierung durch den Nachbau einer detailgetreuen Modelllandschaft(2011) Groos, Andreas; Röser, Florian; Hamburger, KaiRäumliche Orientierungsfähigkeit ist eine Grundkompetenz des Alltags. Sie ermöglicht uns, die Lage von mehreren Objekten in Bezug zu uns selbst und zueinander zu setzen. Die Entwicklung des räumlichen Denkens (Raumkognition) und Aneignung räumlichen Wissens wird bislang kontrovers diskutiert. In Anlehnung an das Stufenmodell von Piaget und Inhelder (1967) wurden in der vorliegenden Studie acht Kinder einer Förderschule (Förderschwerpunkt Lernen) getestet. Dabei wurde untersucht, ob Kinder mithilfe eines dreidimensionalen Landschaftsmodells örtliche Gegebenheiten effektiver lernen als bei direkter Exposition. Hierzu wurden eine Lerngruppe (Lernen am Modell) und eine Explorationsgruppe (direktes Lernen in der Umgebung) mit verschiedenen räumlichen Aufgaben konfrontiert (Navigation, Überblickswissen, Landmarkenwissen). Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass das Lernen am detailgetreuen Modell durchaus zur Anbahnung räumlichen Wissens geeignet ist. Letztendlich zeigte sich sogar, dass sich Kinder mithilfe dieser Methode noch effektiver Raumwissen und Lagebeziehungen eines begrenzten Geländes aneignen können als in der realen Umgebung. Mögliche Weiterentwicklungen und Anwendungen dieser Befunde werden diskutiert.Item Behavioural Decision Making and Suggestional Processes(2001) Molz, GünterCommon features between the domains of behavioural decision making and suggestional processes are discussed. These features areallocated in two aspects. First, behavioural decision making and suggestional processes are traditionally considered to provokeinadequate human behaviour. In this article arguments are put forward against this interpretation: Actions induced by non-rational decisionsand / or by suggestional processes often have adaptive functions. Second, two common thematic issues are discussed ((1) utility functionsin behavioural decision making, (2) ambiguity avoidance) that could be investigated empirically within an integrated framework ofbehavioural decision making and suggestional processes.Item Choosing how to choose : Institutional pressures affecting the adoption of personnel selection procedures(2004) Klehe, Ute-ChristineThe gap between science and practice in personnel selection is an ongoing concern of human resource management. This paper takes Oliver´s framework of organizations´ strategic responses to institutional pressures as a basis for outlining the diverse economic and social demands that facilitate or inhibit the application of scientifically recommended selection procedures. Faced with a complex network of multiple requirements, practitioners make more diverse choices in response to any of these pressures than has previously been acknowledged in the scientific literature. Implications for the science-practitioner gap are discussed.Item The Confirmation Bias : Does it Result from Mental Accounting?(1997) Molz, GünterAn experiment was conducted to explore whether the confirmation bias can be interpreted in terms of prospect theory: Useful butdisconfirming information is assessed more negatively than information confirming own assumptions. Consequently it was predicted thatpeople value utility of relevant information less than satisfaction about irrelevant information which is compatible with their preconceptions.This hypothesis was tested within the Wason selection task paradigm. After selecting the cards to be turned, subjects were told whether thecard was consistent with the given statement. Next they had to assess their satisfaction about this information and its utility. Satisfactionratings on cards consistent with the statement were higher than utility ratings on relevant results. Utility scores on relevant and irrelevantcards as well as for consistent and falsifying results were assessed rationally. However, all subjects failed to select only relevant cards.Explanations for these inconsistent findings are discussed.Item Dokumentation Gewaltprävention(2021) Balser, HartmutMit neuem Selbstwert gegen die Gewalt, gemeinsam statt einsam - Schüler stärken - der Gewalt vorbeugen, ein Lernsystem für Studenten, Schulgemeinden, Lehrerfortbildung und Behörden.Die Corona Pandemie erfordert Problemlösungen, die Schüler stärken und Gewaltbereitschaft abbauen. Zahleiche wissenschaftliche Modellversuche vermitteln hier wichtige Erfahrungen durch 16 Medien und 13 Büchern, die in der UB Giessen und auch teilweise in anderen Bibliotheken und Fortbildungsinstitutionen ausleihbar sind.In Dokumentation 1 werden die Bücher und Medien zu Aktionsbereichen Baukasten Schule ohne Gewalt - in Beziehung gesetzt.In Dokumentation 2 wird die wissenschaftliche und praktische Erfahrungsgewinnung des Baukastens Schule dokumentiert.Item The impact of job complexity and study design on situational and behavior description interview validity(2004) Huffcutt, Allen I.; Roth, Philip L.; Conway, James M.; Klehe, Ute ChristineThe primary purpose of this investigation was to test two key characteristics hypothesized to influence the validity of situational (SI) and behavior description (BDI) structured interviews. A meta-analysis of 54 studies with a total sample size of 5536 suggested that job complexity influences the validity of SIs, with decreased validity for high-complexity jobs, but does not influence the validity of BDIs. And, results indicated a main effect for study design across both SIs and BDIs, with predictive studies having 0.10 lower validity on average than concurrent studies. Directions for future research are discussed.Item The moderating influence of personality and culture on social loafing in typical versus maximum performance situations(2007) Klehe, Ute-Christine; Anderson, NeilThe current paper combines research from personality, cultural, social, and work- and organizational psychology. More precisely, it addresses the motivating effects of situations that either foster or inhibit social loafing under typical vs maximum performance conditions. It further tests how these effects are moderated by the three individual difference variables of conscientiousness, agreeableness, and openness to experience, and the two cultural dimension variables of collectivism and power distance. Results reveal positive main effects for inherently motivating situations, maximum performance conditions, conscientiousness, agreeableness and collectivism, as well as a significant interaction between the degree to which the situation invites social loafing and the typical vs maximum performance condition. These findings thus confirm a possible overlap between the theories of social loafing and of typical vs maximum performance. Finally, power distance showed a number of surprising interactions that may, in part, account for cultural differences found in the social loafing literature. Implications for theory building, empirical research and practice are discussed.Item Nicolaes Petter´s Ring-Kunst vom Jahre 1674(1887) Petter, NicolausItem Reasons for being selective when choosing personnel selection procedures(2010) Koenig, Cornelius J.; Klehe, Ute-Christine; Berchtold, Matthias; Kleinmann, MartinThe scientist practitioner gap in personnel selection is large. Thus, it is important to gain a better understanding of the reasons that make organizations use or not use certain selection procedures. Based on institutional theory, we predicted that six variables should determine the use of selection procedures: the procedures´ diffusion in the field, legal problems associated with the procedures, applicant reactions to the procedures, their usefulness for organizational self-promotion, their predictive validity, and the costs involved. To test these predictions, 506 HR professionals from the German-speaking part of Switzerland filled out an online survey on the selection procedures used in their organizations. Respondents also evaluated five procedures (semi-structured interviews, ability tests, personality tests, assessment centers, and graphology) on the six predictor variables. Multilevel logistic regression was used to analyze the data. The results revealed that the highest odd ratios belonged to the factors applicant reactions, costs, and diffusion. Lower (but significant) odds ratios belonged to the factors predictive validity, organizational self-promotion, and perceived legality.Item Technik-Lernen in den Sportspielen : Medial gestützte "Cues" für die Optimierung von Tennis-Techniken(2005) Danisch, Marco; Müller, Lutz; Schwier, JürgenVorüberlegungen Ziele des Projektes Aufbau und Inhalte der Lern-DVDItem Wie und warum denkt der Mensch? : ein Buch für junge Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler(2021) Hamburger, KaiWie und warum denkt der Mensch? Das wird die Hauptfrage dieses Buches sein. Wenn wir über diese Frage einmal etwas genauer nachdenken, dann kommen schnell weitere interessante Fragen auf: Denken wir tatsächlich mit unserem Gehirn, mit dem kleinen Fußzeh oder vielleicht doch, wie manche Erwachsenen uns glauben machen wollen, mit dem Bauch? Wissen wir eigentlich immer was wir denken? Wie funktioniert unser Gedächtnis und was passiert damit, wenn wir älter werden? Wann ruht sich unser Gehirn einmal aus? Denken Computer und Roboter genauso wie wir Menschen? Dies sind einige der Fragen, mit denen wir uns hier beschäftigen wollen. Mit etwas Glück und Verstand werden wir gemeinsam oder auch Du alleine ein paar Antworten finden.