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Auflistung Forschungsdaten nach Auflistung nach Fachbereich/Einrichtung "FB 07 - Mathematik und Informatik, Physik, Geographie"
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Item Anhang für "Landesgartenschauen als Format der ereignisorientierten Entwicklung von Klein- und Mittelstädten"(2022-01) Karic, SarahDie Sammlung umfasst die Anhänge A-L der Dissertation "Landesgartenschauen als Format der ereignisorientierten Entwicklung von Klein- und Mittelstädten" ( Das Verzeichnis ist sowohl als Textdokument in dem Ordner als auch auf Seite 343 der Dissertation zu finden. Neben Interviewleitfäden und Dokumentationen der Analysen umfasst die Sammlung in Anhang H die erstellte Datenbank im Rahmen der Arbeit als Excel-Datei.Item Anhang für "Shaping climate resilient pathways. Integrative approach for monitoring and evaluation of climate resilience and climate change adaptation"(2022-07-26) Wilden, DanielaDie Sammlung umfasst die Anhänge E und F der Dissertation "Shaping climate resilient pathways. Integrative approach for monitoring and evaluation of climate resilience and climate change adaptation". Beide Anhänge sind Onlinefragebögen. Sie wurden mit der Software LimeSurvey erstellt. Angehängt sind einerseits die reinen .xml-Dateien beider Umfragen, die jeweils die gesamte Umfrage enthalten, und andererseits die zugehörigen .lss-Dateien, die einen direkten Import in LimeSurvey ermöglichen. Aus Gründen des Datenschutzes können die zugehörigen Antworten der Befragten (Rohdaten) nicht mitveröffentlicht werden.Item Data for "3D micro printed capillary electrospray thruster with a fully modular integrated extraction electrode"(2023-11-08) Kunze, FynnVideos and the correlating extraction data from 3D micro printed electrospray thrusters. Multiple videos taken from in-situ observation of extraction. Some videos were cut from the live footage captured or slowed/speed up for visibility reasons. However, no further modification were done. For more information read the README file.Item Data for "Taking Internally Wetted Capillary Electrospray Emitters to the Sub-Ten-Micrometre Scale with 3D Microlithography"(2021-08-06) Kunze, Fynn L.DC measurements and oscilloscope data of the extraction voltage of an electrospray emitter array with 7 individual emitters. The data consist of two extraction spectra in with the time resolved voltage signal of the HV source and measurement signal and an additional .txt file containing further experimental parameters. The spectra are in a .csv and .txt format and can be opened with any text editor. Furthermore SEM pictrues of the emitters used are present as well.Item Data for "The µDose-system: determination of environmental dose rates by combined alpha and beta counting – performance tests and practical experiences"(2021-06-13) Kolb, Thomas; Tudyka, Konrad; Kadereit, Annette; Lomax, Johanna; Poreba, Grzegorz; Zander, Anja; Zipf, Lars; Fuchs, MarkusItem Data for "Towards high-density reliable long-term data storage using inkjet-printed quantum dots on paper"(2022) Mengel, NilsSource data for the manuscript with the title "Towards high-density reliable long-term data storage using inkjet-printed quantum dots on paper". It contains the following: - printfiles - graphs in pptx (can be opened with origin) + origin files - *.txt files with mosla encoded to numbersItem Iodine Materials Interaction Database(2021-12-15) Zschätzsch, DanielA database of the reaction of iodine with various materials. Iodine treatments: atmospheric, sputter, and plasma treatment.Item (Ir-)reducibility of some tensor products of k(e10)-representations(2022-02-04) Lautenbacher, RobinThis is a collection of codes written in Sagemath 9.0 that provide an implementation of certain so-called "higher spin representations" of the maximal compact subalgebra k(e10) of the Kac-Moody-algebra e10. Furthermore, the code analyzes (ir-)reducibility of these representations by exploiting their decomposition w.r.t. the subalgebra so(10) of k(e10). The collection includes several codes, folders with the representation matrices as well as the so(10)-modules into which the respective k(e10)-modules split. These codes were used to obtain the results of section 6.1 of the author's PhD-thesis "Higher Spin representations in Kac-Moody-Theory". The notebooks (IPYNB-files) are intended to be used with SageMath 9.0 Notebook. The other SAGE-files are scripts, some of them are loaded within the notebooks. The script "serial_run" is intended for use on a computer cluster. As the computation is set up in a serial manner and does not benefit from parallelization, a serial queue is recommended.Item Raman and Profiler Data for "Patterning 2D materials for devices by mild lithography"(2021-09) Weinhold, MarcelRaman and profiler data of the samples investigated in the publication Marcel Weinhold and Peter J. Klar "Patterning 2D material for devices by mild lithography". The Raman data is formatted as a standard text file and the profiler data is formatted as asci in tabular form. In addition to the actual data, the files 'Setup_Profiler.txt', 'Setup_Raman-Spectroscopy.txt', and 'Samples.txt' serve to explain the names of the individual files and the information they contain, and to describe the measurement setups and samples used in more detail.Item Raw Data for "Design and Operation of a Hollow Cathode with a C12A7:2e- Insert in Comparison with a LaB6 Insert"(2022-08-10) Zschätzsch, DanielThe thermal modeling was performed with COMSOL Multiphysics V5.3 (hollow cathode models) and V5.6 (isolated inserts models). The reports about the thermal models can be opened with MS word and include all important information about the thermal models. The given results refer to the reported thermal models. The log files (txt-files) include all data collected during the operation of the hollow cathode.Item Raw Data for "Reverberation chamber for electromagnetic compatibility testing of electric thrusters" (IEPC-2022-25)(2022-06-20) Kiefer, FelixExtraction of measured radiated emissions (EMC pre-compliance check) of Petrus PPT 1J engineering sample designed by the Institute of Space Systems (IRS) at the University of Stuttgart for the CubeSat GreenCube. Measurement results were gathered in two facilities and are used to compare both: A reverberation chamber (RVC) and a semi-anechoic chamber (SAC). The deviation of a wrong parameter was corrected afterwards as documeted in the uploaded Origin project and Excel file: A difference between (virtual) measurement distances in both chambers can be compensated by adding related free space loss. Special thanks go to Felix Schaefer from the Institute of Space Systems at the University of Stuttgart for providing the EUT and authorizing the publication of the measurement data.Item Spectral Data for "Microscopic origin of near- and far-field contributions to tip-enhanced optical spectra of few-layer MoS2"(2021-09) Kroth, KathrinRaman, PL, TERS and TEPL spectra for the publication K. Kroth, P. Klement, L. Chen, S. Chatterjee, and P. J. Klar “Microscopic origin of near- and far-field contributions to tip-enhanced optical spectra of few-layer MoS2”. The layer assignment can be taken from the optical images of the different MoS2 flakes in the “Optical_images_with_layer_assignment“ pdf. The data, sorted by TERS, TEPL, temperature dependent, laser-power dependent measurements, are available in a standard txt-format. The main measurement settings are included in the file names. A more detailed explanation of the file names and additional information about the measurement setup can be found in the corresponding “Setup” files. All PL spectra are response-corrected using a calibrated tungsten-halogen lamp (Oriel, spectral range 250-2400nm) as reference standard.Item Supplemental Data for "Combination of optical emission spectroscopy and multivariate data analysis techniques as a versatile non-invasive tool for characterizing xenon/krypton mixed gas plasma inside operating ion thrusters" (Part 1)(2021-10-11) Nauschütt, Benny ThierryContains the source data used for the publication "Combination of optical emission spectroscopy and multivariate data analysis techniques as a versatile non-invasive tool for characterizing xenon/krypton mixed gas plasma inside operating ion thrusters" including all Langmuir probe and spectra measurements as well as calibration measurements for gas flow controllers and spectrometer. The evaluated data can be seen in the "Source data_Xe-Kr-plasma-OES.xlsx".Item Supplemental Data for "Combination of optical emission spectroscopy and multivariate data analysis techniques as a versatile non-invasive tool for characterizing xenon/krypton mixed gas plasma inside operating ion thrusters" (Part 2)(2021-11-22) Nauschütt, Benny ThierryContains the source data of the extended krypton measurements used for the publication "Combination of optical emission spectroscopy and multivariate data analysis techniques as a versatile non-invasive tool for characterizing xenon/krypton mixed gas plasma inside operating ion thrusters" including all Langmuir probe and spectra measurements as well as calibration measurements for gas flow controllers and spectrometer. The evaluated data can be seen in the "Source data_Kr-plasma-OES.xlsx".Item Supplemental Data for "Non-invasive assessment of plasma parameters inside an ion thruster combining optical emission spectroscopy and principal component analysis"(2021-06-28) Nauschütt, BennyContains the source data used for the publication "Non-invasive assessment of plasma parameters inside an ion thruster combining optical emission spectroscopy and principal component analysis" inclucing all Langmuir probe and spectra measurements. The evaluated data can be seen in the "Source Data for Paper.xlsx".Item Supplemental Data for "Plasma parameter measurement on a RIT-10 using empirical correlations between non-invasive optical emission spectroscopy and Langmuir diagnostics"(2022-08-05) Nauschütt, Benny ThierryThis collection of data serves as supplemental data for the paper "Plasma parameter measurement on a RIT-10 using empirical correlations between non-invasive optical emission spectroscopy and Langmuir diagnostics". The main data set is summarized in an Excel-File. Here, thruster performance, spectroscopy and Langmuir results are listed for the performed measurements. The individual files from Langmuir measurements, OES measurements and performance data logs are available in the corresponding folders. Explanation text files are also available.Item Transkripte und Diagramme für "Kompetenzaufbau zum experimentbezogenen Denken und Arbeiten"(2021-03) Hägele, Jörn J.Das Dokument umfasst die Anhänge E und F.5 der genannten Dissertation ( Anhang E enhält Transkripte, die den Analysen zu den Vorstellungen zugrundeliegen. Anhang F.5 enthält eine vollständige Sammlung aller Verlaufsdiagramme, mit denen die Vorstellungskodierungen im zeitlichen Verlauf dargestellt wurden.Item TrendRadar - domänenspezifisches Sprachmodell für Logistik/Mobilität(2021-07-19) Kriesch, Lukas; Van der Au, Niklas; Hennemann, StefanDer Datensatz beinhaltet ein bereinigtes, vortrainiertes, deutsches Sprachmodell (word2vec), welches aus über 40.000 deutschsprachiger Nachrichtenartikel von 467 Webseiten aus dem Bereich Logistik und Mobilität gespeist wurde. Der Datensatz entstand im Rahmen des Forschungsprojekts "TrendRadar - Erforschung der Grundlagen für einen ML-gestützten automatisierten TrendRadar", welches von dem Fraunhofer IML und der AG Wirtschaftsgeographie der JLU bearbeitet wurde. Der Erhebungszeitraum der zugrundeliegenden Nachrichtenartikel war vom 09.12.2020 - 31.05.2021. Zum Einlesen des Datensatzes wird die Gensim-Bibliothek in Python3 empfohlen (