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Item X-ray diffraction data for "Kinetic Investigation of the Reaction of Dioxygen with the Copper(I) Complex [Cu(PimiPr2)(CH3CN)]CF3SO3 {PimiPr2 = Tris[2- (1,4-diisopropylimidazolyl)]phosphine}"(2020) Becker, Jonathan; Lerch, Markus; Stumpf, Tim-Daniel J.; Miska, Andreas; Göttlich, Richard; Schindler, SiegfriedRaw X-ray diffraction images for the publication Lerch, M., Weitzer, M., Stumpf, T.‐D.J., Laurini, L., Hoffmann, A., Becker, J., Miska, A., Göttlich, R., Herres‐Pawlis, S. and Schindler, S. (2020), Kinetic Investigation of the Reaction of Dioxygen with the Copper(I) Complex [Cu(PimiPr2)(CH3CN)]CF3SO3 {PimiPr2 = Tris[2‐(1,4‐diisopropylimidazolyl)]phosphine}. Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2020: 3143-3150. https://doi.org/10.1002/ejic.202000462. File format is the Bruker sfrm frame format. The data can be processed with the SAINT program by BRUKER AXS or using alternative and/or open source tools as XDS ( http://xds.mpimf-heidelberg.mpg.de/ ) together with sfrmtools ( https://homepage.univie.ac.at/tim.gruene/research/programs/conv/sfrmtools/ ) or FabIO ( Knudsen, E. B., Sorensen, H. O., Wright, J. P., Goret, G. & Kieffer, J. (2013). J. Appl. Cryst. 46, 537-539. ). FabIO provides the following information about the file format: "The bruker format uses 80 char lines in key : value format. In the first 512*5 bytes of the header there should be a HDRBLKS key, whose value denotes how many 512 byte blocks are in the total header. The header is always n*5*512 bytes, otherwise it wont contain whole key: value pairs. Data is stored in three blocks: 1. data (uint8) 2. overflow (uint32) 3. underflow (int32). The blocks are zero padded to a multiple of 16 bits.Item Electrochemical data for "Enhancing the Electrochemical Performance of LiNi0.70Co0.15Mn0.15O2 Cathodes Using a Practical Solution-Based Al2O3 Coating"(2020-06-05) Negi, Rajendra S.Raw cycling data and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) data of the cells investigated in the publication Negi, R.S, Culver, S.P., Mazilkin, A., Brezesinski, T., Elm, M.T. “Enhancing the Electrochemical Performance of LiNi0.70Co0.15Mn0.15O2Cathodes Using a Practical Solution-Based Al2O3Coating” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2020, 12, 31392-31400; https://doi.org/10.1021/acsami.0c06484. File format is the standard .txt format. Cycling data of the three pristine (uncoated) NCM cathodes (P-NCM) and the three investigated, coated NCM cathodes (C-NCM) are stored in three blocks: 1. Cycle number, 2. Discharge capacity cell1 (mAh g-1), 3. Discharge capacity cell2 (mAh g-1), 4. Discharge capacity cell3 (mAh g-1). Experimental impedance data after the first cycle and the 100th cycle for one pristine (P-NCM) and coated cathode (C-NCM) are stored in 3 blocks: 1. Frequency (Hz), 2. Real part (Ohm), 3. Imaginary Part (Ohm). In each file, blocks 4 and 5 give the results of the fitting according to the equivalent circuit discussed in the publication. Block 4: Fitted real part (Ohm), block 5: Fitted imaginary part (Ohm).Item X-ray diffraction data for "Formation of Nucleophilic Allylboranes from Molecular Hydrogen and Allenes Catalyzed by a Pyridonate Borane that Displays Frustrated Lewis Pair Reactivity"(2020-09-14) Becker, Jonathan; Hasenbeck, Max; Gellrich, UrsRaw X-ray diffraction images for the publication M. Hasenbeck, S. Ahles, A. Averdunk, J. Becker, U. Gellrich, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020, 59, 23885 "Formation of Nucleophilic Allylboranes from Molecular Hydrogen and Allenes Catalyzed by a Pyridonate Borane that Displays Frustrated Lewis Pair Reactivity" https://doi.org/10.1002/anie.202011790. File format is the Bruker sfrm frame format. The data can be processed with the SAINT program by BRUKER AXS or using alternative and/or open source tools as XDS ( http://xds.mpimf-heidelberg.mpg.de/ ) together with sfrmtools ( https://homepage.univie.ac.at/tim.gruene/research/programs/conv/sfrmtools/ ) or FabIO ( Knudsen, E. B., Sorensen, H. O., Wright, J. P., Goret, G. & Kieffer, J. (2013). J. Appl. Cryst. 46, 537-539. ). FabIO provides the following information about the file format: "The bruker format uses 80 char lines in key : value format. In the first 512*5 bytes of the header there should be a HDRBLKS key, whose value denotes how many 512 byte blocks are in the total header. The header is always n*5*512 bytes, otherwise it wont contain whole key: value pairs. Data is stored in three blocks: 1. data (uint8) 2. overflow (uint32) 3. underflow (int32). The blocks are zero padded to a multiple of 16 bits.Item Bibliothek aus Sicht der Nutzerinnen und Nutzer(2020-11) Dippelhofer, SebastianErläuterungen zum Datensatz finden sich in der Publikation: Dippelhofer, Sebastian (2014). Das Bibliothekssystem der Universität Gießen: Erwartungen und Wünsche ihrer Besucher/innen; eine quantitativ-empirische Bestandsaufnahme (urn:nbn:de:hebis:26-opus-109749). Es handelt sich um eine csv.-Datei, die bspw. in SPSS einlesbar ist.Item X-ray diffraction data for "Breaking the Symmetry of a Meso Compound by Isotopic Substitution: Synthesis and Stereochemical Assignment of Monodeuterated cis-Perhydroazulene"(2020-12-11) Saito, Fumito; Becker, Jonathan; Schreiner, Peter R.Raw X-ray diffraction images for the publication F. Saito, D. Gerbig, J. Becker, P. R. Schreiner, Org. Lett. 2021, 23, 1, 113–117 ( https://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/acs.orglett.0c03795 ) File format is the Bruker sfrm frame format. The data can be processed with the SAINT program by BRUKER AXS or using alternative and/or open source tools as XDS ( http://xds.mpimf-heidelberg.mpg.de/ ) together with sfrmtools ( https://homepage.univie.ac.at/tim.gruene/research/programs/conv/sfrmtools/ ) or FabIO ( Knudsen, E. B., Sorensen, H. O., Wright, J. P., Goret, G. & Kieffer, J. (2013). J. Appl. Cryst. 46, 537-539. ). FabIO provides the following information about the file format: "The bruker format uses 80 char lines in key : value format. In the first 512*5 bytes of the header there should be a HDRBLKS key, whose value denotes how many 512 byte blocks are in the total header. The header is always n*5*512 bytes, otherwise it wont contain whole key: value pairs. Data is stored in three blocks: 1. data (uint8) 2. overflow (uint32) 3. underflow (int32). The blocks are zero padded to a multiple of 16 bits.Item Supplemental Material for "Single-step GBLUP genetic parameter estimations and genome-wide associations for milk fatty acid profiles, interval from calving to first insemination and ketosis in Holstein cattle"(2021) Klein, Sarah-LuisaThe dataset includes supplementary table S1 and figures S1-S2 for the manuscript "Single-step GBLUP genetic parameter estimations and genome-wide associations for milk fatty acid profiles, interval from calving to first insemination and ketosis in Holstein cattle" accepted for publication in the Journal of Dairy Science.Item Supplemental Material for 'Climate sensitivity of milk production traits and milk fatty acids in genotyped Holstein dairy cows'(2021) Bohlouli, MehdiThe dataset includes supplementary figures S1-S3 and a table S1 for the manuscript accepted for publication in the Journal of Dairy Science.Item Supplemental Figure for "Genotype by heat stress interactions for production and functional traits in dairy cows from an across-generation perspective"(2021) Kipp, CordulaThe dataset includes supplementary figure S1 for the manuscript accepted for publication in the Journal of Dairy Science.Item Data for "1,1,2-Ethenetriol: The Enol of Glycolic Acid, a High-Energy Prebiotic Molecule"(2021) Schreiner, PeterRaw IR , UV/is and NMR spectra for the publication A. Mardyukov, F. Keul, and P. R. Schreiner "1,1,2-Ethenetriol: The Enol of Glycolic Acid, a High-Energy Prebiotic Molecule" . File format is the Bruker vibrational spectroscopy software OPUS for visualization, processing, analysis IR and UV/Vis data. File format is MestReNova NMR software for visualization, processing, analysis NMR data.Item Original Database for "Why and How European Farmers Are Dedicated to Breeding the Dwarf Dahomey Cattle"(2021) Vanvanhossou, SèyiThe current raw data supports the findings in the research paper "Why and How European Farmers Are Dedicated to Breeding the Dwarf Dahomey Cattle". It was generated from a survey of the breeding systems of the Dahomey cattle in European countries. An open-closed questionnaire were prepared on the “Google Form” online platform and submitted to the members of the Verband Europäisches Dahomey-Zwergrind and the “Verein Dahomey Schweiz” between Mai and October 2021.Item RNA uptake in fungi(2021-02-09) Kogel, Karl-HeinzPower point file showing the uptake of double-stranded RNA by various fungi from liquid cultures.Item Socio-Economic Covid-19 Survey (SECS)(2021-02-09) Kleinert, Manuel; Alm, Elisabeth; Christian, Nele; Lang, Jonas; Kammer, Bianca; Kunz, Marlene; Plank, Salome; Treibel, Maj; Schwarz, Maureen; Stierig, LenaSurvey in four countries about the socio-economic impact of Covid-19 in July 2020.Item Transkripte und Diagramme für "Kompetenzaufbau zum experimentbezogenen Denken und Arbeiten"(2021-03) Hägele, Jörn J.Das Dokument umfasst die Anhänge E und F.5 der genannten Dissertation (http://dx.doi.org/10.22029/jlupub-778). Anhang E enhält Transkripte, die den Analysen zu den Vorstellungen zugrundeliegen. Anhang F.5 enthält eine vollständige Sammlung aller Verlaufsdiagramme, mit denen die Vorstellungskodierungen im zeitlichen Verlauf dargestellt wurden.Item Raw Microsatellite Genotyping Data for "Spatial and temporal genetic variation of Drosophila suzukii in Germany"(2021-03-12) Petermann, SarahThe data presented here is raw data generated for different analyses in our study titled "Spatial and temporal genetic variation of Drosophila suzukii in Germany", published in the Journal of Pest Science in March 2021 (https://doi.org/10.1007/s10340-021-01356-5). The data is further used in a doctoral thesis, which is still in progress (effective September 2021). The zip file contains three Excel files. The first one is named “001_Fragment_Length_Analysis_raw_data” and it was generated by using the microsatellite external plugin of Geneious Prime 2019.2. Microsatellite genotyping data were exported for further analysis in GenAlex software v.6.41 (Peakall and Smouse, 2012), implemented in Excel. The second file is named “002_Null_allele_detection” and contains the data generated with FreeNA (Chapuis and Estoup, 2007). The third file is named “003_Bottleneck_result” and contains the results obtained with Bottleneck v.1.2.2 (Piry et al., 1999).Item Data for "Current extinction rate in European freshwater gastropods greatly exceeds that of the late Cretaceous mass extinction"(2021-03-24) Neubauer, Thomas A.The dataset contains the primary data underyling the diversification analyses in Neubauer et al. (2021), as well as the results of the iucn_sim analyses on current species extinction rates.Item Data for "Factor Structure and Psychometric Properties of the German Version of the Family Expressiveness Questionnaire – the FEQ-GR"(2021-04-07) Zehtner, Raphaela Isabella; Bäurle, Cosima L.; Walter, Bertram; Stark, Rudolf; Hermann, AndreaRaw data, analysis syntax/code and output for the translation, construction and validation of the Familiy Expressiveness Questionnaire (FEQ-GR).Item Data for "The Impact of Negative Mood on Event-Related Potentials When Viewing Pornographic Pictures"(2021-04-29) Strahler, JanaRaw data, analysis syntax for the manuscript "The impact of negative mood on event-related potentials when viewing pornographic pictures"Item Data for "The µDose-system: determination of environmental dose rates by combined alpha and beta counting – performance tests and practical experiences"(2021-06-13) Kolb, Thomas; Tudyka, Konrad; Kadereit, Annette; Lomax, Johanna; Poreba, Grzegorz; Zander, Anja; Zipf, Lars; Fuchs, MarkusItem Supplemental Data for "Non-invasive assessment of plasma parameters inside an ion thruster combining optical emission spectroscopy and principal component analysis"(2021-06-28) Nauschütt, BennyContains the source data used for the publication "Non-invasive assessment of plasma parameters inside an ion thruster combining optical emission spectroscopy and principal component analysis" inclucing all Langmuir probe and spectra measurements. The evaluated data can be seen in the "Source Data for Paper.xlsx".Item Raw Genotype Data for "Unravelling Admixture, Inbreeding and Recent Selection Signatures in West-African Indigenous Cattle Populations in Benin"(2021-07-13) Vanvanhossou, Sèyi Fridaïus UlrichThe data presented here are genotype data generated and exploited for different analyses in our study entitled "Unravelling Admixture, Inbreeding and Recent Selection Signatures in West-African Indigenous Cattle Populations in Benin" The folders are organized from 1. to 4. following the order in which the data were generated (from our own data to the extended datasets). In each folder, a README file provides an extensive description of the dataset, the number of variants and animals, the breeds, the statistical analyses and further references.