Rationality, markets, and morals: RMM Band 3 (2012)

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    Names and Games
    (2012) Senn, Stephen
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    The Strength of Weak Affects
    (2012) Baurmann, Michael
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    How Can We Cultivate Senn’s Ability?
    (2012) Mayo, Deborah G.
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    Learning to Be Different: Quantitative Research in Economics and Political Science
    (2012) Libman, Alexander
    The comment addresses the subtle differences that exist between economics and political science in terms of how the standards for the empirical quantitative research are set. It shows that the common methodology is applied by the disciplines in a different fashion. These differences could become obstacles for communication, but could also provide fruitful background for discussion of disciplines, if one explicitly takes them into account.
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    Affective Social Ties—Missing Link in Governance Theory
    (2012) van Winden, Frans
    Although governance is about interpersonal relationships, it appears that the antecedents and consequences of affective bonds (social ties) in social groups dealing with commonpool resources and public goods have been neglected. The welfare costs of the neglect of such bonds and their dynamic properties in economics are unclear but may be substantial. In this paper, I discuss a theoretical `dual process' social ties model and the behavioral experimental and recent neurological evidence this model has obtained. Furthermore, a number of implications and institutional issues are addressed.
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    The Renegade Subjectivist: José Bernardo’s Reference Bayesianism
    (2012) Sprenger, Jan
    This article motivates and discusses José Bernardo's attempt to reconcile the subjective Bayesian framework with a need for objective scientific inference, leading to a special kind of objective Bayesianism, namely reference Bayesianism. We elucidate principal ideas and foundational implications of Bernardo's approach, with particular attention to the classical problem of testing a precise null hypothesis against an unspecified alternative.
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    The SES Framework in a Marine Setting: Methodological Lessons
    (2012) Schlüter, Achim; Madrigal, Róger
    The paper discusses the application of Elinor Ostrom's Social Ecological Systems (SES) framework, using as example a community organization in Costa Rica, which collectively extracts turtle eggs. The paper does so with the particular aim of examining the coevolving relationship between political science and economics. The SES framework is understood as a useful exploratory tool, which was introduced into a joint research agenda from a political science perspective. The breadth of its approach enables it to capture empirically observable diversity. In this sense it provided a perfect complement to the more partial view that economics brought into the coevolving research process.
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    Coevolving Relationships between Political Science and Economics
    (2012) Ostrom, Elinor
    During the last 50 years, at least four interdisciplinary developments have occurred at the boundaries of political science and economics that have affected the central questions that both political scientists and economists ask, the empirical evidence amassed as a new foundation for understanding political economies, and new questions for future research. These include: (1) the Public Choice Approach, (2) the Governance of the Commons debate, (3) New Institutional Economics, and (4) Behavioral Approaches to Explaining Human Actions. In this short essay, I briefly review the challenges that these approaches have brought to political science and some of the general findings stimulated by these approaches before identifying some of the major issues on the contemporary agenda.
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    Statistical Science Meets Philosophy of Science Part 2: Shallow versus Deep Explorations
    (2012) Mayo, Deborah G.
    Inability to clearly defend against the criticisms of frequentist methods has turned many a frequentist away from venturing into foundational battlegrounds. Conceding the distorted perspectives drawn from overly literal and radical expositions of what Fisher, Neyman, and Pearson `really thought', some deny they matter to current practice. The goal of this paper is not merely to call attention to the howlers that pass as legitimate criticisms of frequentist error statistics, but also to sketch the main lines of an alternative statistical philosophy within which to better articulate the roles and value of frequentist tools.
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    New Approaches to Classical Liberalism
    (2012) Maloberti, Nicolás
    This article focuses on the following three novel and original philosophical approaches to classical liberalism: Den Uyl and Rasmussen’s perfectionist argument from meta-norms, Gaus’s justificatory model, and Kukathas’s conscience-based theory of authority. None of these three approaches are utilitarian or consequentialist in character. Neither do they appeal to the notion of a rational bargain as it is typical within contractarianism. Furthermore, each of these theory rejects the idea that classical liberalism should be grounded on considerations of interpersonal justice such as those that are central to the Lockean tradition. It is argued that these three theories, despite their many attractive features, fail to articulate in a convincing manner some central classical liberal concerns.
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    Risk, Networks, and Ecological Explanations for the Emergence of Cooperation in Commons Governance
    (2012) Henry, Adam Douglas; Vollan, Björn
    The commons literature increasingly recognizes the importance of contextual factors in driving collaboration in governance systems. Of particular interest are the ways in which the attributes of a resource system influence the dynamics of cooperation. While this may occur through many pathways, we investigate the mechanisms by which ecological factors influence both the risk of cooperation as well as the density of networks in which strategic interactions take place. Both of these factors influence the co-evolutionary dynamics of network structure and cooperative behavior. These dynamics are investigated through agent-based simulations, which provide preliminary evidence that: 1) low-density networks support higher levels of cooperation, even in high-risk Prisoner's Dilemma scenarios; and 2) in high-risk scenarios, networks that develop higher levels of clustering generally enjoy higher societal gains.