Electron-Ion Recombination of Low-Charged Heavy Atomic Ions at the Cryogenic Storage Ring
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For plasma modeling, e.g., in astrophysical environments, reliable data on the recombination of atomic ions with free electrons are required. Especially low-charged heavy ions, which have a high mass-to-charge ratio m/q, and which are found, e.g., in kilonovae, can have a complex electronic structure and therefore the recombination of these ions is difficult to treat theoretically. So far, no experimental data are available on the recombination of low-charged heavy ions. Due to technical limitations, previous electron-ion recombination experiments in storage rings were restricted to ions with a low mass-to-charge ratio m/q ≤ 15. Only in extremely challenging single-pass experiments, recombination of an ion with a higher m/q = 24 was measured.
In this work, first experiments on electron-ion recombination of atomic ions were performed at the Cryogenic Storage Ring CSR at the Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik in Heidelberg. In two experiments, absolute merged-beams rate coefficients for electron-ion recombination were measured for Ne2+ and Xe3+ ions. Recombination features from radiative and dielectronic recombination have been observed. The first experiment, performed with Ne2+ ions (m/q = 10), demonstrates the general feasibility of electron-ion recombination experiments with atomic ions at CSR. The second experiment, performed with Xe3+ ions, which have a high mass-to-charge ratio of m/q = 43, proves the feasibility of recombination experiments with low-charged heavy ions at CSR.
The experiments show that recombination of previously not accessible low-charged heavy atomic ions can be studied in the cryogenic environment of CSR.