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    Non-Linear Kinetics of The Lithium Metal Anode on Li6PS5Cl at High Current Density: Dendrite Growth and the Role of Lithium Microstructure on Creep
    (2023) Singh, Dheeraj Kumar; Fuchs, Till; Krempaszky, Christian; Mogwitz, Boris; Janek, Jürgen
    Interfacial instability, viz., pore formation in the lithium metal anode (LMA) during discharge leading to high impedance, current focusing induced solid–electrolyte (SE) fracture during charging, and formation/behaviour of the solid–electrolyte interphase (SEI), at the anode, is one of the major hurdles in the development of solid-state batteries (SSBs). Also, understanding cell polarization behaviour at high current density is critical to achieving the goal of fast-charging battery and electric vehicle. Herein, via in situ electrochemical scanning electron microscopy (SEM) measurements, performed with freshly deposited lithium microelectrodes on transgranularly fractured fresh Li6PS5Cl (LPSCl), the LiǀLPSCl interface kinetics are investigated beyond the linear regime. Even at relatively small overvoltages of a few mV, the LiǀLPSCl interface shows non-linear kinetics. The interface kinetics possibly involve multiple rate-limiting processes, i.e., ion transport across the SEI and SE|SEI interfaces, as well as charge transfer across the LiǀSEI interface. The total polarization resistance RP of the microelectrode interface is determined to be ≈ 0.8 Ω cm2. It is further shown that the nanocrystalline lithium microstructure can lead to a stable LiǀSE interface via Coble creep along with uniform stripping. Also, spatially resolved lithium deposition, i.e., at grain surface flaws, grain boundaries, and flaw-free surfaces, indicates exceptionally high mechanical endurance of flaw-free surfaces toward cathodic load (>150 mA cm−2). This highlights the prominent role of surface defects in dendrite growth.
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    Biomarker RIPK3 Is Silenced by Hypermethylation in Melanoma and Epigenetic Editing Reestablishes Its Tumor Suppressor Function
    (2024) Arroyo Villora, Sarah; Castellanos Silva, Paula; Zenz, Tamara; Kwon, Ji Sun; Schlaudraff, Nico; Nitaj, Dafina; Meckbach, Cornelia; Dammann, Reinhard; Richter, Antje M.
    For several decades, cancers have demonstrably been one of the most frequent causes of death worldwide. In addition to genetic causes, cancer can also be caused by epigenetic gene modifications. Frequently, tumor suppressor genes are epigenetically inactivated due to hypermethylation of their CpG islands, actively contributing to tumorigenesis. Since CpG islands are usually localized near promoters, hypermethylation of the promoter can have a major impact on gene expression. In this study, the potential tumor suppressor gene Receptor Interacting Serine/Threonine Protein Kinase 3 (RIPK3) was examined for an epigenetic regulation and its gene inactivation in melanomas. A hypermethylation of the RIPK3 CpG island was detected by bisulfite pyrosequencing and was accompanied by a correlated loss of its expression. In addition, an increasing RIPK3 methylation rate was observed with increasing tumor stage of melanomas. For further epigenetic characterization of RIPK3, epigenetic modulation was performed using a modified CRISPR/dCas9 (CRISPRa activation) system targeting its DNA hypermethylation. We observed a reduced fitness of melanoma cells by (re-)expression and demethylation of the RIPK3 gene using the epigenetic editing-based method. The tumor suppressive function of RIPK3 was evident by phenotypic determination using fluorescence microscopy, flow cytometry and wound healing assay. Our data highlight the function of RIPK3 as an epigenetically regulated tumor suppressor in melanoma, allowing it to be classified as a biomarker.
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    150 Jahre Kunstgeschichte an der Universität Gießen
    Im Jahr 1874 wurde für Hugo von Ritgen an der Gießener Universität eine Professur für Kunstwissenschaft eingerichtet. Die Großherzoglich-Hessische Landesuniversität zeigte sich damit trendbewusst und war einer der frühesten Standorte des aufstrebenden Faches. Zum Jubiläum erscheint ein reich bebilderter Band, der in 25 Beiträgen eineinhalb Jahrhunderte Kunstgeschichte in Gießen nachzeichnet. Es geht um wichtige Akteure – Professoren (bis jüngst ausschließlich Männer), Lehrende, Studierende und Künstler/innen – und die besonderen Akzente, die sie jeweils dem Lehrstuhl bzw. Institut verliehen haben. Es geht außerdem um die Räume der Kunstgeschichte in der Stadt und auf dem Campus, um ihre Verbindungen zu anderen Fächern und Einrichtungen, um studentische Projekte und Initiativen und um Kontinuität und Wandel in der kunstgeschichtlichen Forschung und Lehre. Die wechselvolle Geschichte der Gießener Kunstgeschichte ist in mancherlei Hinsicht typisch für die historischen Zeitläufte. Sie weist aber auch Spezifika auf, die mal der Stadt und einzelnen Akteuren, mal den Interessen der Recherche und – nicht zuletzt – den Erinnerungen von Zeitzeugen zu verdanken sind.
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    Mündigkeit in der politischen Bildung : ein Gespräch über eine reflexive sozialwissenschaftliche Fachdidaktik
    (2024) Müller, Stefan; Scaramuzza, Elia
    Mündigkeit kann nicht verordnet werden. Das scheint eine Herausforderung für Bildung zu sein, ist aber genau die Stärke und das Versprechen von Mündigkeit. Eine reflexive politische Bildung, die sich an Mündigkeit orientiert, kann dieses Versprechen aufnehmen und im besten Falle einlösen. Wie das (nicht) funktionieren kann, erörtern Stefan Müller und Elia Scaramuzza auf anschauliche Weise im vorliegenden Gespräch. Mit Blick auf den Beutelsbacher Konsens, auf die Fragen von Autonomie, Normativität und Dialektik diskutieren sie die Möglichkeiten von Mündigkeit durch Bildung und entwickeln zentrale Merkmale einer reflexiven politischen Bildung.
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    Thirty years after the Berlin Wall: German unification and transformation research
    This book examines the increasing body of research dedicated to the lasting differences between the former separate states of the Federal German Republic (FRG) and the German Democratic Republic (GDR). Thirty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, it takes a broad view on German unification and transformation research. Transformation and unification processes in East and West Germany are still ongoing, and they may serve as a model for social change and its political, economic, and psychological consequences. Using advanced statistical methods of analysis, this edited volume provides insights into the valuable contextualization of individual and social phenomena that current research on German unification and transformation is producing. Following the open science mindset using code and data, the authors investigate temporal trends in (1) mental health, (2) political attitudes, and (3) work and family life. It explores changes in mental health and political attitudes, as well as continued differences in work and family arrangements, that may stem from heterogeneous experiences within the systems and during the transformation process. This book will appeal to scholars and students from the disciplines of sociology, political science, public health, social psychology, psychology, and communication science interested in postsocialist transition processes and temporal changes in individuals and societies.
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    Abgrenzen, Entgrenzen, Begrenzen : zur Geschichte des Liminalen in der Moderne
    Grenzen strukturieren nicht nur die Ordnung von Landschaft und Herrschaft, sondern auch von Gesellschaft. Als soziale Konstrukte vereindeutigen sie Zustände, öffnen aber auch Räume für Aushandlungen und Überschreitungen. In der Moderne dienten praktische und metaphorische »Grenzgänge« dazu, Beziehungen, die Verhältnisse gesellschaftlicher Teilsysteme und die Reichweite von Normen zu klären. Die Beiträger*innen schauen auf die Denkfigur des »Grenzgangs«, die es ermöglicht, zentrale Fragen moderner Gesellschaften zusammenzudenken: Gewaltvolle Identitätskämpfe, der Umgang mit funktionaler Differenzierung und mit der Fragilität von Werten und Wissen offenbaren sich als Praktiken, mit denen Grenzen gezogen, überquert oder ausgehandelt wurden.
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    Moderne & Mittelalter. Die Baukunst des Hugo von Ritgen : Katalog zur Ausstellung im Oberhessischen Museum Gießen, 11. April bis 20. Oktober 2024
    Hugo von Ritgen (1811–1889) war Architekt, bildender Künstler, Denkmalpfleger, Universitätsprofessor und Kunstsammler. Überregionale Bekanntheit erlangte er durch seine fulminante Wiederherstellung der Wartburg bei Eisennach im historistischen Stil. Auch in Hessen und vor allem in der Universitätsstadt Gießen hat Ritgen mit seinem vielfältigen Wirken nachhaltig Spuren hinterlassen. Die Ausstellung im Oberhessischen Museum und der sie begleitende Katalog präsentieren erstmals die gesamte Bandbreite der baukünstlerischen Projekte Ritgens. Dazu gehören Restaurierungs- und Umbauarbeiten an Burgen und Schlössern ebenso wie Entwürfe für Stadtvillen, Fabrikgebäude, Kirchen, Gartenhäuser, Grabmäler und Möbel. Auf der Grundlage umfangreicher Forschungen konnte ein Lebenswerk rekonstruiert werden, in dem Moderne und Mittelalter verschmelzen und das genau deshalb typisch für das 19. Jahrhundert ist. Den Katalogteil ergänzen wissenschaftliche Beiträge, die eine kulturgeschichtliche Einordnung Ritgens und seiner Arbeit in die Geschichte der Architektenausbildung, des Historismus, der modernen Ingenieurbauweise und des Tourismus leisten.
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    Cues for predictive eye movements in naturalistic scenes
    (2023) Goettker, Alexander; Borgerding, Nils; Leeske, Linus; Gegenfurtner, Karl R.
    We previously compared following of the same trajectories with eye movements, but either as an isolated targets or embedded in a naturalistic scene—in this case, the movement of a puck in an ice hockey game. We observed that the oculomotor system was able to leverage the contextual cues available in the naturalistic scene to produce predictive eye movements. In this study, we wanted to assess which factors are critical for achieving this predictive advantage by manipulating four factors: the expertise of the viewers, the amount of available peripheral information, and positional and kinematic cues. The more peripheral information became available (by manipulating the area of the video that was visible), the better the predictions of all observers. However, expert ice hockey fans were consistently better at predicting than novices and used peripheral information more effectively for predictive saccades. Artificial cues about player positions did not lead to a predictive advantage, whereas impairing the causal structure of kinematic cues by playing the video in reverse led to a severe impairment. When videos were flipped vertically to introduce more difficult kinematic cues, predictive behavior was comparable to watching the original videos. Together, these results demonstrate that, when contextual information is available in naturalistic scenes, the oculomotor system is successfully integrating them and is not relying only on low-level information about the target trajectory. Critical factors for successful prediction seem to be the amount of available information, experience with the stimuli, and the availability of intact kinematic cues for player movements.
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    Besnoitia besnoiti-induced neutrophil clustering and neutrophil extracellular trap formation depend on P2X1 purinergic receptor signaling
    (2023) Espinosa, Gabriel; Conejeros, Iván; Rojas-Barón, Lisbeth; Hermosilla, Carlos Rodrigo; Taubert, Anja
    Bovine besnoitiosis is a re-emerging cattle disease caused by the cyst-forming apicomplexan parasite Besnoitia besnoiti. Neutrophil extracellular trap (NET) formation represents an efficient innate immune mechanism of polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) against apicomplexan parasites, including B. besnoiti. PMN purinergic signaling was proposed as a critical factor for NET formation. One important purinergic ligand is ATP, which is recognized as a danger signal and released into the extracellular space acting as an autocrine/paracrine signaling molecule. ATP-driven effects on PMN via the nucleotide P2 receptor family include chemotaxis, reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, and NET formation. So far, data on both PMN ATP concentrations and the role of ATP as a key modulator of purinergic signaling in B. besnoiti tachyzoite-triggered bovine NETosis is scarce. Current data showed that B. besnoiti tachyzoite exposure to bovine PMN neither changed total PMN ATP nor extracellular ATP quantities even though it significantly triggered NET formation. Moreover, B. besnoiti tachyzoite-exposed PMN revealed enhanced oxygen consumption rates (OCR) as quantified by the Seahorse metabolic analyzer. Exogenous supplementation of ATP or non-hydrolizable ATP (ATPγS) led to increased extracellular acidification rates (ECAR) but failed to alter tachyzoite-induced oxidative responses (OCR) in exposed PMN. In addition, exogenous supplementation of ATPγS, but not of ATP, boosted B. besnoiti tachyzoite-induced anchored NET formation. Referring to purinergic signaling, B. besnoiti tachyzoite-triggered anchored NET formation revealed P2X1 purinergic as receptor-dependent since it was blocked by the P2X1 inhibitor NF449 at an IC50 of 1.27 µM. In contrast, antagonists of P2Y2, P2Y6, P2X4, and P2X7 purinergic receptors all failed to affect parasite-driven NETosis. As an interesting finding, we additionally observed that B. besnoiti tachyzoite exposure induced PMN clustering in a P2X1-dependent manner. Thus, we identified P2X1 purinergic receptor as a pivotal molecule for both B. besnoiti tachyzoite-induced PMN clustering and anchored NET formation.
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    Biomarkers in Endurance Exercise: Individualized Regulation and Predictive Value
    (2023) Hacker, Sebastian; Keck, Johannes; Reichel, Thomas; Eder, Klaus; Ringseis, Robert; Krüger, Karsten; Krüger, Britta
    The high interindividual variability of exercise response complicates the efficient use of blood-based biomarkers in sports. To address this problem, a useful algorithm to characterize the individual regulation and predictive value of different candidate markers will be developed. Forty-nine participants completed two identical exercise trials. Blood samples were collected before, immediately after, 3 hours after, and 24 hours after completion of exercise. Plasma concentrations of interleukin (IL-) 1RA, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-15, creatine kinase (CK), cortisol, c-reactive protein (CRP), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) were measured. Individualized regulation was analyzed using k-means clustering and a Group Assignment Quality (GAQ) score. Regression trees with a bootstrapped-aggregated approach were used to assess the predictive qualities of the markers. For most of the markers studied, a distinction can be made between individuals who show a stronger or weaker response to a particular endurance training program. The regulation of IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, and CK exhibited a high degree of stability within the individuals. Regarding the predictive power of the markers, for all dependent variables, the most accurate predictions were obtained for cortisol and IL-8 based on the baseline value. For CK, a good prediction of recovery of maximal strength and subjective feeling of exhaustion can be made. For IL-1RA and TBARS, especially their reregulation can be predicted if the baseline level is known. Focusing individual variations in biomarker responses, our results suggest the combined use of IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, and CK for the personalized management of stress and recovery cycles following endurance exercise.
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    DistSNE: Distributed computing and online visualization of DNA methylation-based central nervous system tumor classification
    (2023) Schmid, Kai; Sehring, Jannik; Németh, Attila; Harter, Patrick N.; Weber, Katharina J.; Vengadeswaran, Abishaa; Storf, Holger; Seidemann, Christian; Karki, Kapil; Fischer, Patrick; Dohmen, Hildegard; Selignow, Carmen; von Deimling, Andreas; Grau, Stefan; Schröder, Uwe; Plate, Karl H.; Stein, Marco; Uhl, Eberhard; Acker, Till; Amsel, Daniel
    The current state-of-the-art analysis of central nervous system (CNS) tumors through DNA methylation profiling relies on the tumor classifier developed by Capper and colleagues, which centrally harnesses DNA methylation data provided by users. Here, we present a distributed-computing-based approach for CNS tumor classification that achieves a comparable performance to centralized systems while safeguarding privacy. We utilize the t-distributed neighborhood embedding (t-SNE) model for dimensionality reduction and visualization of tumor classification results in two-dimensional graphs in a distributed approach across multiple sites (DistSNE). DistSNE provides an intuitive web interface ( for user-friendly local data management and federated methylome-based tumor classification calculations for multiple collaborators in a DataSHIELD environment. The freely accessible web interface supports convenient data upload, result review, and summary report generation. Importantly, increasing sample size as achieved through distributed access to additional datasets allows DistSNE to improve cluster analysis and enhance predictive power. Collectively, DistSNE enables a simple and fast classification of CNS tumors using large-scale methylation data from distributed sources, while maintaining the privacy and allowing easy and flexible network expansion to other institutes. This approach holds great potential for advancing human brain tumor classification and fostering collaborative precision medicine in neuro-oncology.
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    Investigation of the Stability of the Poly(ethylene oxide)|LiNi1-x-y CoxMnyO2 Interface in Solid-State Batteries
    (2023) Yusim, Yuriy; Hunstock, Dirk F.; Mayer, Alexander; Bresser, Dominic; Passerini, Stefano; Janek, Jürgen; Henss, Anja
    While solid-state batteries (SSBs) comprising poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) based electrolytes are successfully commercialized already for operation at elevated temperature, the selection of the cathode active material (CAM) has so far been limited to LiFePO4. When using high-voltage CAMs such as LiNi1-x-yCoxMnyO2 (NCM), the cells experience fast capacity fading – the cause of which is not consistently understood in literature. In this study, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurements in a three-electrode setup are applied to confirm that the NCM|PEO interface is indeed the Achilles' heel in PEO-based SSBs at high voltages. In this regard, the interfacial stability on the cathode side depends not only on the upper cut-off voltage, but also on the molecular weight of PEO, strongly affecting the cell performance. Scanning electron microscopy images of the cathodes after cycling suggest that at high voltages interfacial degradation leads to fragmentation of the polymer backbone and to a decrease in viscosity of the solid polymer electrolyte. Overall, the results help to understand the detrimental processes occurring in PEO-based SSBs in combination with high-voltage cathodes.
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    Secondary 3-Chloropiperidines: Powerful Alkylating Agents
    (2023) Georg, Mats; Laping, Lina Alexandra; Billo, Veronica; Gatto, Barbara; Friedhoff, Peter; Göttlich, Richard
    In previous works, we demonstrated that tertiary 3-chloropiperidines are potent chemotherapeutics, alkylating the DNA through the formation of bicyclic aziridinium ions. Herein, we report the synthesis of novel secondary 3-chloropiperidine analogues. The synthesis incorporates a new procedure to monochlorinate unsaturated primary amines utilizing N-chlorosuccinimide, while carefully monitoring the temperature to prevent dichlorination. Furthermore, we successfully isolated highly strained bicyclic aziridines by treating the secondary 3-chloropiperidines with a sufficient amount of base. We conclude this work with a DNA cleavage assay as a proof of principle, comparing our previously known substrates to the novel compounds. In this, the secondary 3-chloropiperidine as well as the isolated bicyclic aziridine, proved to be more effective than their tertiary counterpart.
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    Chairside 3-D printed impression trays: a new approach to increase the accuracy of conventional implant impression taking? An in vitro study
    (2023) Schmidt, Alexander; Berschin, Cara; Wöstmann, Bernd; Schlenz, Maximiliane Amelie
    Purpose: A high transfer accuracy of the intraoral implant position to a model is required, to manufacture implant-supported restorations. However, clinically relevant deviations persist between the intraoral implant position and the model obtained, even for the benchmark conventional custom implant impressions with polyether. Thus, new approaches using 3-D printed impression trays may increase the transfer accuracy of implant impressions. The ability to adjust parameters such as the thickness of the layers and the influence of the openings in the impression tray could potentially affect accuracy. Methods: Four different types of impression trays (n = 10 for each group) for the conventional impression technique were investigated: conventional custom impression tray, customized foil tray, chairside 3-D printed impression tray with the SHERA system, and the Primeprint system using an implant master model with four implants in the posterior region and a reference cube. After plaster model casting, all models were measured using a coordinate measuring machine, and the deviation from the reference dataset was determined. A statistical ANOVA analysis was performed (p < 0.05). Results: Chairside 3-D printed impression trays showed the best results, followed by conventional custom impression trays. Implant impressions obtained using a customized foil tray exhibited the lowest accuracy. Statistically significant differences were observed between 3-D printed impression trays and conventional custom impression and customized foil trays (p < 0.05). Whereas, the implant position did not have any significant influence on accuracy (p > 0.05). Conclusions: Chairside 3-D printed impression trays significantly increase the transfer accuracy for implant impression taking.
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    Contact Endoscopy - Narrow Band Imaging (CE-NBI) data set for laryngeal lesion assessment
    (2023) Esmaeili, Nazila; Davaris, Nikolaos; Boese, Axel; Illanes, Alfredo; Navab, Nassir; Friebe, Michael; Arens, Christoph
    The endoscopic examination of subepithelial vascular patterns within the vocal fold is crucial for clinicians seeking to distinguish between benign lesions and laryngeal cancer. Among innovative techniques, Contact Endoscopy combined with Narrow Band Imaging (CE-NBI) offers real-time visualization of these vascular structures. Despite the advent of CE-NBI, concerns have arisen regarding the subjective interpretation of its images. As a result, several computer-based solutions have been developed to address this issue. This study introduces the CE-NBI data set, the first publicly accessible data set that features enhanced and magnified visualizations of subepithelial blood vessels within the vocal fold. This data set encompasses 11144 images from 210 adult patients with pathological vocal fold conditions, where CE-NBI images are annotated using three distinct label categories. The data set has proven invaluable for numerous clinical assessments geared toward diagnosing laryngeal cancer using Optical Biopsy. Furthermore, given its versatility for various image analysis tasks, we have devised and implemented diverse image classification scenarios using Machine Learning (ML) approaches to address critical clinical challenges in assessing laryngeal lesions.
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    Contact-free impacts of sessile reef organisms on stony coral productivity
    (2023) Engelhardt, Kara E.; Vetter, Jana; Wöhrmann-Zipf, Franziska; Dietzmann, André; Proll, Franziska M.; Reifert, Hannah; Schüll, Ilona; Stahlmann, Max; Ziegler, Maren
    Coral reefs are biodiversity and productivity hotspots where space limitation makes interactions between organisms inevitable. Biodiversity loss alters these interactions, however downstream effects on the productivity of individual species remain unexplored. Here, we quantified immediate and long-term changes in stony coral productivity in response to contact-free interactions with various benthic organisms (stony corals, soft corals, macroalgae, sponges). We show that corals sense the presence of other organisms and subsequently modulate their productivity. Each stony coral species had a characteristic reaction to contact-free stimuli, while the identity of the interaction partner was of subordinate importance. Our data highlight downstream effects that biodiversity loss and shifting coral reef communities may have through indirect modulation of productivity, resulting in uneven effects among species. The productivity response is probably mediated by secondary metabolites released into the water. The underlying communication pathways that mediate these interactions remain to be investigated.
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    Fasciola hepatica soluble antigens (FhAg) induce ovine PMN innate immune reactions and NET formation in vitro and in vivo
    (2023) Muñoz-Caro, Tamara; Gómez-Ceruti, Marcela; Silva, Liliana M. R.; Gutiérrez-Expósito, Daniel; Wagner, Henrik; Taubert, Anja; Hermosilla, Carlos
    Fasciola hepatica causes liver fluke disease, a worldwide neglected and re-emerging zoonotic disease, leading to hepatitis in humans and livestock. In the pathogenesis, flukes actively migrate through liver parenchyma provoking tissue damage. Here, parasites must confront leukocytes of the innate immune system in vivo. Polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) are the most abundant granulocytes and first ones arriving at infection sites. PMN may display neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs), consisting of nuclear DNA, decorated with histones, enzymes, and antimicrobial peptides. We investigated for the first time whether F. hepatica soluble antigens (FhAg) can also trigger NETosis and innate immune reactions in exposed ovine PMN. Thus, isolated PMN were co-cultured with FhAg and NET formation was visualized by immunofluorescence and scanning electron microscopy analyses resulting in various phenotypes with spread NETs being the most detected in vitro. In line, NETs quantification via Picogreen®-fluorometric measurements revealed induction of anchored- and cell free NETs phenotypes. Live cell 3D-holotomographic microscopy revealed degranulation of stimulated PMN at 30 min exposure to FhAg. Functional PMN chemotaxis assays showed a significant increase of PMN migration (p = 0.010) and intracellular ROS production significantly increased throughout time (p = 0.028). Contrary, metabolic activities profiles of FhAg-exposed PMN did not significantly increase. Finally, in vivo histopathological analysis on F. hepatica-parasitized liver tissue sections of sheep showed multifocal infiltration of inflammatory cells within liver parenchyma, and further fluorescence microscopy analyses confirmed NETs formation in vivo. Overall, we hypothesized that NET-formation is a relevant host defence mechanism that might have a role in the pathogenesis of fasciolosis in vivo.
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    Hepatocyte integrity depends on c-Jun-controlled proliferation in Schistosoma mansoni infected mice
    (2023) Härle, Lukas; von Bülow, Verena; Knedla, Lukas; Stettler, Frederik; Müller, Heike; Zahner, Daniel; Haeberlein, Simone; Windhorst, Anita; Tschuschner, Annette; Burg-Roderfeld, Monika; Köhler, Kernt; Grevelding, Christoph G.; Roeb, Elke; Roderfeld, Martin
    Schistosomiasis is a parasitic disease affecting more than 250 million people worldwide. The transcription factor c-Jun, which is induced in S. mansoni infection-associated liver disease, can promote hepatocyte survival but can also trigger hepatocellular carcinogenesis. We aimed to analyze the hepatic role of c-Jun following S. mansoni infection. We adopted a hepatocyte-specific c-Jun knockout mouse model (Alb-Cre/c-Jun loxP) and analyzed liver tissue and serum samples by quantitative real-time PCR array, western blotting, immunohistochemistry, hydroxyproline quantification, and functional analyses. Hepatocyte-specific c-Jun knockout (c-JunΔli) was confirmed by immunohistochemistry and western blotting. Infection with S. mansoni induced elevated aminotransferase-serum levels in c-JunΔli mice. Of note, hepatic Cyclin D1 expression was induced in infected c-Junf/f control mice but to a lower extent in c-JunΔli mice. S. mansoni soluble egg antigen-induced proliferation in a human hepatoma cell line was diminished by inhibition of c-Jun signaling. Markers for apoptosis, oxidative stress, ER stress, inflammation, autophagy, DNA-damage, and fibrosis were not altered in S. mansoni infected c-JunΔli mice compared to infected c-Junf/f controls. Enhanced liver damage in c-JunΔli mice suggested a protective role of c-Jun. A reduced Cyclin D1 expression and reduced hepatic regeneration could be the reason. In addition, it seems likely that the trends in pathological changes in c-JunΔli mice cumulatively led to a loss of the protective potential being responsible for the increased hepatocyte damage and loss of regenerative ability.
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    Implementation of inclusion and exclusion criteria in clinical studies in OHDSI ATLAS software
    (2023) Blasini, Romina; Buchowicz, Kornelia Marta; Schneider, Henning; Samans, Birgit; Sohrabi, Keywan
    Clinical trials are essential parts of a medical study process, but studies are often cancelled due to a lack of participants. Clinical Trial Recruitment Support Systems are systems that help to increase the number of participants by seeking more suitable subjects. The software ATLAS (developed by Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics) can support the launch of a clinical trial by building cohorts of patients who fulfill certain criteria. The correct use of medical classification systems aiming at clearly defined inclusion and exclusion criteria in the studies is an important pillar of this software. The aim of this investigation was to determine whether ATLAS can be used in a Clinical Trial Recruitment Support System to portray the eligibility criteria of clinical studies. Our analysis considered the number of criteria feasible for integration with ATLAS and identified its strengths and weaknesses. Additionally, we investigated whether nonrepresentable criteria were associated with the utilized terminology systems. We analyzed ATLAS using 223 objective eligibility criteria from 30 randomly selected trials conducted in the last 10 years. In the next step, we selected appropriate ICD, OPS, LOINC, or ATC codes to feed the software. We classified each criterion and study based on its implementation capability in the software, ensuring a clear and logical progression of information. Based on our observations, 51% of the analyzed inclusion criteria were fully implemented in ATLAS. Within our selected example set, 10% of the studies were classified as fully portrayable, and 73% were portrayed to some extent. Additionally, we conducted an evaluation of the software regarding its technical limitations and interaction with medical classification systems. To improve and expand the scope of criteria within a cohort definition in a practical setting, it is recommended to work closely with personnel involved in the study to define the criteria precisely and to carefully select terminology systems. The chosen criteria should be combined according to the specific setting. Additional work is needed to specify the significance and amount of the extracted criteria.
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    Insights into the diagnosis, vaccines, and control of Taenia solium, a zoonotic, neglected parasite
    (2023) Hossain, Md. Shahadat; Shabir, Shafqat; Toye, Philip; Thomas, Lian F.; Falcone, Franco H.
    Taenia solium taeniasis/cysticercosis (TSTC) is a foodborne, zoonotic neglected tropical disease affecting predominately low- and middle-income countries. Humans are definitive hosts for T. solium, whereas pigs act as intermediate hosts. Taeniasis, i.e. intestinal infection with adult T. solium in the human host, occurs through ingestion of undercooked pork infected with the larval stage (porcine cysticercosis, PCC). Human cysticercosis occurs after humans ingest T. solium eggs, acting as accidental intermediate hosts. Migration of cysticerci to the human brain results in neurocysticercosis (NCC), manifesting in a variety of clinical symptoms, most notably epilepsy. NCC is the leading cause of acquired epilepsy cases in endemic areas. PCC results in reduced pork value because of condemnation or the risk of condemnation of the meat. Available serological diagnostic tests for porcine and human cysticercosis are characterized by low sensitivity and are not cost-effective. An effective vaccine for T. solium cysticercosis in pigs has been developed, although it is not yet commercially available in all endemic countries, and still no vaccine is available for use in humans. This primer highlights the recent development in the field of diagnostic tests and vaccine production and explores possible strategies for future control and eradication of T. solium. In the absence of highly specific diagnostic tests and human vaccines, treatment of infected pigs and tapeworm carriers and prevention of disease transmission remain the principal means to interrupt the zoonotic cycle of T. solium in endemic countries.