Retrospective multicentre evaluation of common calcaneal tendon injuries in 66 cats. Part 1: study population, injury specification and classification
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Objectives: The objective of the first part of this retrospective multicentre study was to identify and classify common calcaneal tendon (CCT) injuries in a study population of 66 cats. Methods: The medical records of five different small animal referral centres and veterinary teaching hospitals between 2010 and 2020 were reviewed. In addition to patient-specific data, CCT injuries were characterised in detail. Diagnostic modalities and further comorbidities were recorded. Results: Sixty-six cats met the inclusion criteria. The mean age of the cats was 7.5 years (range 0.5–16.3) and their mean body weight (BW) was 4.6 kg (range 1.5–9.0). Thirty-four spayed females (51.5%), five intact females (7.6%) and 27 castrated males (40.9%) were included. Most cases involved closed injuries of the CCT (69.7%). Twenty-one of 46 cats had closed atraumatic injuries (45.7%). Open injuries (30.3%) were most commonly lacerations (65%). Twenty-one injuries were classified as atraumatic (31.8%), whereas 25 were traumatic (37.9%). With every year of age, the odds of having an atraumatic injury increased by a factor of 1.021. Cats with atraumatic injuries had a higher mean BW than cats with traumatic injuries, but the difference was not statistically significant. Acute injuries were recorded in 40.9% of cases, whereas 51.5% of cats had a subacute CCT injury and 7.6% had chronic lesions. Most acute lesions were Meutstege type I injuries (55.6%). Subacute and chronic lesions were more commonly Meutstege type IIc injuries (58.8% and 60%, respectively). Considering all CCT injuries, a Meutstege type IIc injury was most common (53%). Conclusions and relevance: The most common type of injury was Meutstege type IIc. Cats with atraumatic injuries had a higher mean BW than cats with traumatic injuries, but the difference was not statistically significant. Older cats more commonly presented with atraumatic CCT injuries.
Erstpublikation in
Journal of feline medicine and surgery 25, 1 (2023), 1 - 8