Series Testing, Quality Analysis and Implementation of Silicon Strip Sensor Parameters in PANDA’s Slow-Control System




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The PANDA (antiProton ANnihilation at DArmstadt) experiment aims to investigate the strong interaction using an antiproton beam and a stationary cluster jet target, resulting in annihilation reactions. The Micro-Vertex Detector (MVD) is the innermost detector among PANDA’s sub-detectors and is positioned closest to the interaction point. It is designed for precise vertex and tracking detection, employing double-sided silicon strip and silicon pixel detectors. In conjunction with other sub-detector systems, PANDA is capable of particle tracking, identification, and calorimetry. In addition to PANDA, further applications of the MVD as well as the use of silicon strip sensors in different configurations are being discussed.
The double-sided silicon strip detectors allow high-recision spatial resolution, but require stringent compliance with specifications. Sensor characterization and detailed quality checks are conducted, including irradiation with protons at the Marburg Ion Beam Therapy Center (MIT) to assess radiation damage. The signal behavior of the sensors is investigated during the development of amplification stages and prepared for a sub-experiment for dosimetry on a femto satellite in Low Earth Orbit (LEO).
For the sensor readout in the MVD, an ASIC named ToASt (Torino Amplifier for Silicon Strip Detectors) was developed at INFN Turin and was connected to the sensors for the first time via wire bonding. The ASIC offers the advantage of determining both the event time stamp and the energy deposited in the sensor using the Time-over-Threshold and Time-of-Arrival methods. Combining the ToASt-Sensor combination with the MDC (Module Data Concentrator) ASIC developed at KIT forms the first fully functional detector module. A combination of two of these modules was tested at the proton beam of the COSY facility in Jülich. Data obtained from beam tests and laboratory tests with sources are analyzed to demonstrate the functionality of the prototype and perform characterization. Important data have been collected to enable the development of the second prototype and to advance the construction and functionality of the MVD.




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