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    Abdominal sensing of substrate vibrations in insects
    (2025-03) Alt, Joscha A.
    Mechanosensation is a universal sense and respective receptors are located in all body parts. For perception of substrate vibrations, highly specialized sensory organs have evolved. In insects, the legs serve as the primary sensory structures for vibration detection and contain specialized vibration receptors. However, many insect species also make contact with the substrate using their abdomen. Considering this and the presence of various chordotonal organs (COs) within the abdomen, we propose that the mechanosensitive abdominal chordotonal organs are also involved in the perception of substrate vibrations. To test this hypothesis, electrophysiological recordings were made of different abdomen-innervating nerves in two distinct insect species: Okanagana rimosa (Cicadidae) and Schistocerca gregaria (Orthoptera). In both the grasshopper and the cicada, the leg sensitivity is comparable to that of abdominal nerves, although depending on the frequency. Therefore, abdominal chordotonal organs are likely an important source for perception of substrate vibrations in insects, independent of the presence of legs. Additional information and the threshold values of the recordings are provided in the corresponding Excel file.
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    A geolocated dataset of German news articles
    (2025-01-30) Kriesch, Lukas; Losacker, Sebastian
    This data repository consists of a SQLite database with metadata of about 50 million German news articles extracted from the Common Crawl News Dataset. The dataset consists of an SQLite database and a Usearch vector database, which together provide comprehensive data storage and semantic search capabilities. The SQLite database contains structured information about articles and their associated geographic locations, while the vector database enables efficient semantic search through vector representations of the articles. The article titles, texts and excerpts associated with this data can be retrieved directly from Common Crawl and linked to this dataset using the provided IDs. The code for creating this dataset, along with usage tutorials, can be found at:
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    Data for "Determining the 2D spatial distribution of plasma parameters in a cylindrical cross section of a radio-frequency ion thruster by optical emission spectroscopy"
    (2025) Felix Becker
    This dataset contains data and analysis files related to the manuscript "Determining the 2D spatial distribution of plasma parameters in a cylindrical cross section of a radio-frequency ion thruster by optical emission spectroscopy" submitted to the Journal of Electric Propulsion. The data were obtained during experimental investigations on both invasive and non-invasive plasma diagnostics for the radio-frequency ion thruster RIT 10 from JLU Gießen.
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    Verzeichnis von Studiengängen mit Regieausbildung in Europa (Stand 2022)
    (2024-12-02) Hoesch, Benjamin
    In diesem Verzeichnis wurden erstmals 211 Studiengänge gelistet, die in den Ländern des geografischen wie kulturellen Europas für die Theaterregie ausbilden. Dabei tragen den sich wandelnden und international uneinheitlich gehandhabten Regiebegriff längst nicht alle Studiengänge im Namen. Als Selektionskriterien wurden die öffentliche Trägerschaft oder staatliche Anerkennung, die vorwiegend künstlerische Studienpraxis sowie das Studienziel der Befähigung zu hauptverantwortlicher künstlerischer Arbeit in den Darstellenden Künsten angelegt. Diese werden an zahlreichen Hochschulen von mehreren Studiengängen in unterschiedlicher Schwerpunktsetzung erfüllt. Berücksichtigt wurden nur Studiengänge, die auch mit englischsprachigen Websites über sich informieren und damit internationale Interessent:innen ansprechen. Die Excel-Tabelle verzeichnet Land, Standort und Name des Studiengangs, Website und öffentlich einsehbare Kontaktdaten. Sie zeigt den Umfang und die Bandbreite der europäischen Regieausbildung zum Recherchestand von 2022 – Veränderungen durch Umstrukturierungen, Umbenennungen oder die Einstellung von Studiengängen sind zu erwarten.
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    Online-Umfrage zur Regieausbildung
    (2025-01-08) Hoesch, Benjamin
    Der Datensatz umfasst die deutsch- und englischsprachigen Fragebögen (pdf) einer umfassenden Online-Umfrage, die in der zweiten Jahreshälfte 2022 unter allen relevanten Ausbildungsorganisationen für Theaterregie im deutschsprachigen Raum sowie anschließend im ersten Quartal 2023 unter Ausbildungsorganisationen für Regie im gesamten europäischen Raum durchgeführt wurden. Für die Umfragen wurde das Programm LimeSurvey genutzt. Themen waren u.a. organisationale Bedingungen, Zugangsvoraussetzungen und Auswahlverfahren, soziale Zusammensetzung und Diversität, Ausbildungspraxis und -inhalte, institutionelle Spannungsfelder und interorganisationale Beziehungsdynamiken, Berufsperspektiven für Absolvent:innen, Internationalisierung, Corona-Folgen und Digitalisierung. Die Befragten waren Studiengangsleitungen, Lehrende oder Beauftragte der jeweiligen Organisation – personenbezogene Daten wurden nicht erhoben. An den Umfragen haben jeweils 11 Organisationen teilgenommen. Die anonymisierten Antwortdaten (xlsx) können auf der folgenden passwortgeschützten Datenplattform eingesehen werden: . Der Zugang kann auf Anfrage beim Institut für Angewandte Theaterwissenschaft erteilt werden ( ).
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    Qualitative Befragung der regieführenden Künstler:innen beim Nachwuchsfestival „Körber Studio Junge Regie“ 2018 und 2019
    (2025-01-08) Hoesch, Benjamin
    Abgelegt ist ein schriftlicher Fragebogen (pdf), der sich an die regieführenden Künstler:innen aller Inszenierungen beim Nachwuchsfestival „Körber Studio Junge Regie“ in den Jahren 2018 und 2019 richtete. Themen des Fragebogens waren u.a. Erwartungen, Aufführungsbedingungen, öffentliche Wahrnehmung, Diskussionskultur, künstlerisches Selbstverständnis und Karriereeffekte. Die Befragten waren zu dem Zeitpunkt Studierende an zwölf Instituten für Regie im deutschsprachigen Raum und antworteten teils als Einzelregisseur:innen, teils im Team oder verantwortlichen Kollektiv. Die Fragebögen wurden jeweils nach Ende des Festivals verschickt und innerhalb von drei Monaten beantwortet. Der Rücklauf war mit 22 ausführlichen Antworten fast vollständig. Die anonymisierten Antwortdaten (pdf) können auf der folgenden passwortgeschützten Datenplattform eingesehen werden: . Der Zugang kann auf Anfrage beim Institut für Angewandte Theaterwissenschaft erteilt werden ( ).
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    Daten zur Wegfindeleistung mit akustisch vorgestellten vs. physisch-akustischen Landmarken: Ein Vergleich der Orientierungs- und Rekognitionsleistung in einem Online-Experiment
    (2024-12-17) Vormittag, Sabrina
    Der Datensatz enthält die Ergebnisse eines mittels Sosci Survey erstellten Online-Experiments aus dem Jahr 2023. Ziel des Experiments war es zu untersuchen, ob Menschen sich mithilfe akustisch vorgestellter Landmarken orientieren können und wie ihre Orientierungsleistung im Vergleich zur Verwendung physisch-akustischer Landmarken ausfällt. Herkunft der Daten (Datenprovenienz): - Der Datensatz wurde im Rahmen einer (unveröffentlichten) Bachelorarbeit am Fachbereich Psychologie der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen erhoben. - Die Teilnehmerrekrutierung erfolgte über den universitären E-Mail-Verteiler. Die Teilnehmenden waren vorwiegend Studierende der Psychologie und Sportwissenschaft. - Die Teilnahme erfolgte unter freiwilliger Einwilligung gemäß den ethischen Standards der Declaration of Helsinki. Erhebungsmethode: - Plattform: Sosci Survey - Durchführung: Online-Experiment (remote, selbstständige Durchführung) mit zufälliger Zuweisung zu zwei Bedingungen: Bedingung 1: Akustisch physikalische Landmarken – Tiergeräusche als reale akustische Reize. Bedingung 2: Akustisch vorgestellte Landmarken – Schriftliche Instruktion zur mentalen Vorstellung der Tiergeräusche. Versuchsablauf: 1. Lernphase: Die Teilnehmenden wurden durch ein Labyrinth mit 15 Kreuzungen geführt. Dabei erhielten sie Landmarken mit Richtungsindikatoren (links/rechts/geradeaus) 2. Wegfindephase: Die Teilnehmenden mussten basierend auf den gelernten Landmarken an Kreuzungen (bei erneuter Präsentation der Landmarkeninformationen) die richtige Abbiegerichtung angeben (links/rechts/geradeaus). 3. Rekognitionsphase: Präsentation von 30 Landmarkeninformationen (15 Landmarken und 15 Distraktoren) mit der Aufgabe, zuvor präsentierte Landmarken wiederzuerkennen. Inhalt des Datensatzes (120 Versuchsteilnehmende): - Stimulus-Liste der Tiergeräusche: Landmarken vs Distraktoren - Korrekte Entscheidungen an den einzelnen Kreuzungen (Tieregeräusche) : Kodierung: 0 = inkorrekte Entscheidung, 1 = korrekte Entscheidung - Wegfindeleistung gesamt: mittlere relative Häufigkeiten korrekter Entscheidungen in der Wegfindephase - Rekognitionsleistung gesamt : mittlere relative Häufigkeiten korrekter Entscheidungen in der Rekognitionsphase - Demographische Daten der Teilnehmenden: Alter, Geschlecht - Screening-Informationen: Hörbeeinträchtigung, Rechts-Links-Schwäche - Fragebogen-Ergebnisse: Santa Barbara Sense of Direction Scale: Subjektive Einschätzung der Teilnehmenden über ihre Navigationsfähigkeiten (7-stufige Likert-Skala). - Genutzte Strategien der Teilnehmenden zur Lösung der Aufgaben: Offenes Antwortformat - Technische Informationen: Verwendetes Endgerät (Computer, Tablet etc.) - Zeitstempel der Durchführung Datenvorverarbeitung: - Bereinigung der Daten: Ausschluss unvollständiger Datensätze sowie Teilnehmender, die die Einschlusskriterien (z.B. Hörbeeinträchtigung) nicht erfüllten. - Kodierung und Berechnung: Entscheidungen wurden als 0 (falsch) und 1 (korrekt) kodiert. - Berechnung der relativen Wegfinde- und Rekognitionsleistungen.
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    Raw data for shrimp feeding study based on insects reared on plant by-products
    (2024) Barth, Annalena; Wilke, Thomas
    The dataset contains the raw data of randomized controlled feeding trial, which aimed at testing whether black soldier flies (BSF) reared on widely available but underutilized plant by-products such as cocoa bean shells, depectinized apple pomace and potato peelings may serve as sustainable feeds for Pacific white shrimp (PWS) aquaculture. The dataset consists of four sheets: 1. Raw data for the nutritional profiles of (cocoa bean shells, depectinized apple pomace, potato peelings and a grain-based control feed (FM = fresh matter, DM = dry matter), 2. Raw data for the nutritional profiles of black soldier fly (BSF) larvae reared on cocoa bean shells, depectinized apple pomace, potato peelings and a grain-based control feed (FM = fresh matter, DM = dry matter), 3. Raw data for growth curves, larval development time and final weight of black soldier fly (BSF) larvae reared on three plant by-products (CBS: cocoa bean shells, DAP: depectinized apple pomace, PP: potato peelings) and a grain-based control feed, 4. Raw data for feeding regimes, growth characteristics and feed conversion parameters of Pacific white shrimp (PWS) fed with black soldier fly (BSF) based diets where BSF larvae were reared on cocoa bean shells, depectinized apple pomace, potato peelings and a grain -based control feed.
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    Microscopy Imaging Data for “Chronic lung disease induced brain microenvironment changes: implications in pre-metastatic niche formation”
    (2024-09-11) Salik, Nazli
    Microscopy imaging data related to the “Chronic lung disease induced brain microenvironment changes: implications in pre-metastatic niche formation” manuscript by Salik et al., 2024 Folders (uploaded as zip files): HIF1a and HIF2a IHC (25,08 GB) Podocalyxin and Iba1 staining-FFPE sections (32,79 GB) Podocalyxin-Fibrinogen co-staining (54,15 GB) Representative images (403,81 MB) Videos (28,92 MB) The folders contain image files and corresponding metadata files. Imaging was performed on a CQ1 spinning disc confocal microscope (Yokogawa Life Science, Tokyo, Japan; Cenibra GmbH, Bramsche, Germany) using 405/488/561 nm lasers and 20x, or 40x objective, or on an Axio Scan.Z1 slide scanner (Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH, Jena, Germany) using a 20x objective and the ZEN 2.3 software for acquisition. Podocalyxin staining folders contain 4 images that are DAPI, A555 (podocalyxin staining), merge and binary version of podocalyxin staining. Iba1 staining folders contain 5 images that are DAPI, A555 (Iba1 staining), merge, Iba1+ cell count, and DAPI count. Note on Podocalyxin and Iba1 staining - 250um sections: Z-projections are available in the folders as PNG files, original data (>10 Gb for each sample) are available on request. Abbreviations: NO (normoxia): Control Hox (hypoxia): CMH (chronic mild hypoxia) RA (room air): Control SE (smoke exposure) or CS (cigarette smoke): S-PH or S-Em (tobacco-smoke exposure induced pulmonary hypertension or also emphysema, after 3-month or 8-month exposure, respectively)
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    Raw data for best practice study on sustainable insect-based shrimp feeds
    (2024-08-28) Wilke, Thomas; Barth, Annalena
    The dataset contains the results of a literature search to identify contributing parameters that may affect life-history parameters of shrimp fed with black soldier fly meal or larvae and the raw data for a best-practice study to assess the effects of black soldier fly feed on life-history and physiological traits of the Pacific white shrimp. The dataset contains five sheets: 1. Summary of 16 publications investigating the use of the black soldier fly as a protein substitute for fishmeal in Pacific white shrimp, 2. Raw data for the controlled trial investigating the effects of fishmeal (FM) and black soldier fly (BSF) based feeds on life-history and physiological traits of Pacific white shrimp, 3. Raw data for an experiment investigating the effects of fishmeal- (FM) and black soldier fly (BSF) based feeds on the contents 18 amino acids (ALA, ARG, ASP, CYS, GLU, GLY, HIS, ILE, LEU, LYS, MET, PHE, PRO, SER, THR, TRP, TYR and VAL) in % dry matter of individual Pacific white shrimp (PWS), 4. Raw data for an experiment investigating the proximate compositions of fishmeal- (FM) based compound feed and black soldier fly (BSF) larvae (DM = dry matter), 5. Raw data for an experiment investigating contents of 18 amino acids (in % dry matter) of a fishmeal- (FM) based diet and black soldier fly (BSF) larvae (DM = dry matter).
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    Data for "Imaging the microstructure of lithium and sodium metal in anode-free solid-state batteries using electron backscatter diffraction"
    (2024-08-28) Fuchs, Till; Ortmann, Till
    Dataset Description: The data set consists of series of measurements of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) to characterize the microstructure of lithium and sodium metal as well as electrochemically depositied alkali metals at a solid|solid interfaces. A detailed description of the data set and supplementary information related to the data file formats is provided in the "README" file. The data set presented serves as the basis for the following publication and is structured in accordance with the figures presented in this manuscript: Title: Imaging the Microstructure of Lithium and Sodium Metal in “Anode-Free” Solid-State Batteries using EBSD Authors: Till Fuchs, Till Ortmann, Juri Becker, Catherine G. Haslam, Maya Ziegler, Vipin Kumar Singh, Marcus Rohnke, Boris Mogwitz, Klaus Peppler, Linda F. Nazar, Jeff Sakamoto and Jürgen Janek DOI: Publication Abstract (English): “Anode-free” or more fittingly, metal reservoir-free cells (RFCs) have the potential of drastically improving current solid-state battery technology by achieving higher energy density, improving safety and simplifying the manufacturing process. Various strategies have been reported so far to control the morphology of electrodeposited alkali metal films to be homogeneous and dense, for example, by utilizing planar interfaces with seed interlayers or three-dimensional host structures. To date, the microstructure of such electrodeposited alkali metal, i.e., its grain size distribution, shape and orientation is unknown, and a suitable characterization route is yet to be identified. At the same time, the influence of the alkali metal microstructure on the electrochemical performance of the anode, including the available discharge capacity, is expected to be substantial. Hence, analysis of the microstructure and its influence on the performance of electrochemically deposited alkali metal layers is a key require-ment to improving cell performance. This work establishes first a highly reproducible protocol for characterizing the size and orientation of metal grains in differently processed lithium and sodium samples by a combination of focused-ion beam (FIB) techniques and electron-backscatter diffraction (EBSD) with high spatial resolution. After ruling out grain growth in lithium or sodium during room temperature storage or induced by FIB, electrodeposited films at Cu|LLZO, Steel|LPSCl and Al|NZSP interfaces were then characterized. The analyses show very large grain sizes (>100 µm) within these films and a clear preferential orientation of grain boundaries. Furthermore, metal growth and dissolution were investigated using in situ SEM analyses, showing a dynamic grain coarsening during electrodeposition and pore formation within grains during dissolution. Our methodology and results open up a new research field for the improvement of solid-state battery performance through first characteriza-tion of the deposited alkali metal microstructure and subsequently suggesting methods to control it.
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    Data for "Comparative study of gastrointestinal tract size in three parent breeds for the production of dual-purpose organic chickens"
    (2024) Möller Palau-Ribes, Franca
    Excel-Sheet with all measurements of the gastrointestinal tract from three breeds of chicken: White Rock, Bresse Gauloise and New Hampshire. For more details please check publication and contact the corresponding authors.
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    Data for "Insight into the Li/LiPON Interface at the Molecular Level: Interfacial Decomposition and Reconfiguration"
    (2024-05) Wang, Kangli; Mollenhauer, Doreen
    This dataset contains the calculated structures involving the surface and interface for the publication: Kangli Wang, Jürgen Janek, Doreen Mollenhauer. "Insight into the Li/LiPON Interface at the Molecular Level: Interfacial Decomposition and Reconfiguration". Further information relevant to the reuse of the dataset can be found in the included readme file.
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    Daten zum DFG-Fortsetzungsantrag Open-Access-Publikationskosten 2025-2027
    (2024) Ruckelshausen, Florian; Arriens, Edda; Dees, Werner; Derichs, Andrea; Freiberg, Michael; Heit, Alexander; Meyer, Helena
    Die Daten wurden im Rahmen des DFG-Fortsetzungsantrags Open-Access-Publikationskosten 2025-2027 erhoben. Der Datensatz enthält die im Sinne des Antrags förderfähigen Artikel bzw. Bücher (corresponding author der JLU, Publikationsjahr 2021-2023, DFG-Projektkontext). Eine genaue Beschreibung der Vorgehensweise bei der Erhebung findet sich in der Readme-Datei.
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    Experimental Data for "Enhancing the Analysis of Eu3+ Photoluminescence in Coordination Compounds in the Solid State by Determining their Refractive Index"
    (2024) Sedykh, Alexander E.
    Normalised excitation and emission spectra, UV-Vis reflectance spectra, powder X-ray diffraction data (Cu-Kalpha radiation), and thermal analysis data of compounds alpha-[Eu(NO3)3(ptpy)(H2O)] (1), beta-[Eu(NO3)3(ptpy)(H2O)] (2), [Eu(NO3)3(ptpy)(acetone)] (3), [Eu(NO3)3(ptpy)(thf)] (4), [Eu(NO3)3(ptpy)(MeOH)] (5), [EuCl3(ptpy)(acetone)] (6), [EuCl3(ptpy)(thf)] (7), and [EuCl3(ptpy)(MeOH)] (8). Files' designation: N_Ex: photoluminescence excitation spectrum of compound N (xy data). N_Em: photoluminescence emission spectrum of compound N (xy data). N_UVVis: UV-Vis reflectance spectrum of compound N (xy data). N_PXRD: powder X-ray diffraction data of compound N (xy data). N_STAMS: simultaneous thermogravimetry and differential thermal analysis coupled with mass-spectrometry (STA-MS) data of compound N (multi-y-column xy data). N_TPXRD: temperature-dependent powder X-ray diffraction data of compound N (multiple xy data).
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    Supplemental Material for "Wealth for Health? Affordability of a Healthy and Sustainable Diet - A Food Basket Study"
    (2024-03) Arendt, Svenja
    This dataset contains Supplemental Material 4 for the publication "Wealth for Health? Affordability of a Healthy and Sustainable Diet – A Food Basket Study" The file provides: - Assessed prices for conventional and organic food products in REWE with product name, price and quantity - Assessed prices for conventional and organic food products in ALDI Süd with product name, price and quantity - Amounts in g/day for the heavy meat consumption diet - Quantities per day and month for the girl in the reference family - Quantities per day and month for the boy in the reference family - Quantities per day and month for the mother in the reference family - Quantities per day and month for the father in the reference family - Amounts in g/day for the moderate meat consumption diet - Quantities per day and month for the girl in the reference family - Quantities per day and month for the boy in the reference family - Quantities per day and month for the mother in the reference family - Quantities per day and month for the father in the reference family - Amounts in g/day for the light meat consumption diet - Quantities per day and month for the girl in the reference family - Quantities per day and month for the boy in the reference family - Quantities per day and month for the mother in the reference family - Quantities per day and month for the father in the reference family - Calculation of total cost and affordabiliy - Calculation of cost shares - Calculation of the share of vegetables and fruits according to the BMEL - Creation of graphs - References
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    Tomography Data - Visualizing the Impact of the Composite Cathode Microstructure and Porosity on Solid-State Battery Performance
    (2024-03-20) Minnmann, Philip; Schubert, Johannes
    The dataset contains tomography data of three composite cathodes (labelled as BM10, BM03, BM01) obtained by FIB-SEM tomography. The dataset contains three subsets: 1. unprocessed SEM images (obtained with the BSE and the SE detector) 2. processed and segmented images 3. Numpy arrays of the tomographies which can be loaded using Python During processing the SEM images were aligned and cropped. Therefore, the dimensions of the segmented tomographies are not identical with those of the raw SEM images. The numpy arrays consist of: 0 - voids 1 - cathode active material 2 - inorganic solid electrolyte 3 - unknown impurity (only for BM01) BM10: Dimensions (774, 900, 790); Phases (0, 1, 2) BM03: Dimensions (713, 850, 413); Phases (0, 1, 2) BM01: Dimensions (681, 1143, 813); Phases (0, 1, 2, 3)
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    Data of TiVO2 on TiO2(110)
    (2024-03-02) Lu, Hao
    This data is raw XRD and Raman data of TiVO2 films on TiO2(110). Angle and temperature-dependent Raman spectroscopic measurements were performed using a Renishaw inVia Raman microscope system. Series of Raman spectra in the temperature range between 0 °C and 80 °C were recorded using a Linkam THMS 600 temperature stage. The spectra were taken in backscattering geometry with 514 nm excitation provided by an Ar-ion laser. Excitation and scattered light passed through a long distance objective (50 ×, Olympus, NA = 0.45). The Rayleigh scattered laser light was rejected by an edge filter enabling the measurement of the Stokes Raman scattered light down to 100 cm-1. The laser power on the sample was 1.9 mW and the spot size about 1 µm. Using polarization optics in the beam path allowed us to measure Raman spectra in parallel and crossed polarization configuration of laser and Raman scattered light. Angle-dependent measurements were realized on the same spot on the sample by rotating the polarizer arrangement in the beam path. Angle alpha is between [001] direction of TiO2 substrate and incoming polarization. Angle-dependent Raman measurements were performed at room temperature with Angle alpha from 0 to 360 degrees in 10 degree steps.Angle-dependent Raman measurements were performed at 80 °C with Angle alpha from -90 to 450 degrees in 15 degree steps. X-ray diffraction (XRD) traces Panalytical X'Pert Pro MRD setups using the Cu-Kα line and an additional sample heater to reach temperatures between room temperature and 80 °C. The sample’s electric resistance as a function of temperature was measured by using a linear four-contact geometry and a heater stage. Either tungsten carbide or steel needles with a diameter of 0.5mm were used as contacts. The total force applied to the needles was about 5 to 16 N. The distance between probes was 1 ± 0.01 mm. The resistance measurements were performed in autoranging mode. The heating rate was 2 °C/min.
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    Data for "The enol of propionic acid"
    (2023-08-25) Danho, Akkad
    IR and UVVis-spectra. A Sumitomo cryostat system consisting of an RDK 408D2 closed-cycle refrigerator cold head and an F-70 compressor unit was used for matrix isolation experiments. A polished CsI window was mounted in the cold head sample holder. The sample holder, connected with silicon diodes for temperature measurements, was covered by a vacuum shroud, which was equipped with KBr windows to allow for IR measurements. In some experiments BaF2 windows were used due to their higher transparency when measuring UV/vis spectra. The sample and the host gas (Ar, purity of 99.999%) were co-deposited at 3.5 K. All spectral data were collected at 3.5 K. The pyrolysis zone was equipped with a heatable 90 mm long quartz tube (inner diameter 7 mm), controlled by a Ni/CrNi thermocouple. The travel distance of the sample from the pyrolysis zone to the matrix was ∼45 mm. Ar was stored in a 2 L gas balloon, which was evacuated and filled three times before every experiment. The sample was evaporated from a Schlenk tube at 70 °C (water) and reduced pressure (∼3 × 10–6 mbar) and co-deposited with a high excess of argon on both sides of the matrix window in the dark (preventing unwanted photochemistry) at a rate of ∼1 mbar min–1, based on the pressure inside the Ar balloon. Pyrolyses were carried out at 500 °C. IR spectra were recorded between 7000 and 350 cm–1 with a resolution of 0.7 cm–1 with a Bruker Vertex 70 FTIR spectrometer. A spectrum of the cold matrix window before deposition was used as background spectrum for the subsequent IR measurements. UV/vis spectra were recorded between 190 and 800 nm with a resolution of 1 nm with a Jasco V-760 spectrophotometer. A high-pressure-mercury lamp equipped with a monochromator (LOT Quantum Design) or a low-pressure-mercury lamp (Gräntzel) fitted with a Vycor filter were used for irradiation of the matrix during photochemical experiments. Spectra were saved as "X-files" and can be opened with "OPUS". Computations. All DFT computations were performed with the Gaussian 16,1 Revision C.01 (full citations for electronic structure codes are given at the end of this document) at the B3LYP/def2-TZVP2-3 level of theory. The keywords Opt and Freq=NoRaman were used for the characterization of minima on the PES. For transition structures the keyword Opt=(ts,tight,calcfc,noeigen) was used. UV/Vis absorptions were computed by using the keyword td(50-50,nstates=10). The results of the calculations were saved as "out" files and can be opened with the editor and graphically with 'ChemCraft'.
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    Data for "The Enol of Isobutyric Acid"
    (2024) Danho, Akkad
    Spectra for deuterated and non-deuterated enols, along with density functional theory computations IR and UVVis-spectra. A Sumitomo cryostat system consisting of an RDK 408D2 closed-cycle refrigerator cold head and an F-70 compressor unit was used for matrix isolation experiments. A polished CsI window was mounted in the cold head sample holder. The sample holder, connected with silicon diodes for temperature measurements, was covered by a vacuum shroud, which was equipped with KBr windows to allow for IR measurements. In some experiments BaF2 windows were used due to their higher transparency when measuring UV/vis spectra. The sample and the host gas (Ar, purity of 99.999%) were co-deposited at 3.5 K. All spectral data were collected at 3.5 K. The pyrolysis zone was equipped with a heatable 90 mm long quartz tube (inner diameter 7 mm), controlled by a Ni/CrNi thermocouple. The travel distance of the sample from the pyrolysis zone to the matrix was ∼45 mm. Ar was stored in a 2 L gas balloon, which was evacuated and filled three times before every experiment. The sample was evaporated from a Schlenk tube at 80 °C (water) and reduced pressure (∼3 × 10–6 mbar) and co-deposited with a high excess of argon on both sides of the matrix window in the dark (preventing unwanted photochemistry) at a rate of ∼1 mbar min–1, based on the pressure inside the Ar balloon. Pyrolyses were carried out at 750 °C. IR spectra were recorded between 7000 and 350 cm–1 with a resolution of 0.7 cm–1 with a Bruker Vertex 70 FTIR spectrometer. A spectrum of the cold matrix window before deposition was used as background spectrum for the subsequent IR measurements. UV/vis spectra were recorded between 190 and 800 nm with a resolution of 1 nm with a Jasco V-760 spectrophotometer. A high-pressure-mercury lamp equipped with a monochromator (LOT Quantum Design) or a low-pressure-mercury lamp (Gräntzel) fitted with a Vycor filter were used for irradiation of the matrix during photochemical experiments. Spectra were saved as "X-files" and can be opened with "OPUS". Computations. All DFT computations were performed with the Gaussian 16,1 Revision C.01 (full citations for electronic structure codes are given at the end of this document) at the B3LYP/def2-TZVP2-3 level of theory. The keywords Opt and Freq=NoRaman were used for the characterization of minima on the PES. For transition structures the keyword Opt=(ts,tight,calcfc,noeigen) was used. UV/Vis absorptions were computed by using the keyword td(50-50,nstates=10). The results of the calculations were saved as "out" files and can be opened with the editor and graphically with 'ChemCraft'.