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Item 30-Stunden-Woche schafft keine Arbeitsplätze(2013) Scherf, WolfgangItem About the Link of Monetary Policy to Household Debt, Risk in the Financial System, and Inequality(2019) Schmidt, Jörg HolgerMortgage Debt and Time-Varying Monetary Policy TransmissionWe study the role of monetary policy for the dynamics of U.S. mortgage debt, which accounts for the largest part of household debt, between 1957Q1 and 2014Q3. A time-varying parameter VAR model allows us to study the variation in the mortgage debt sensitivity to monetary policy. We find that identically-sized policy shocks have lesser effects the more we move to the present. We use a DSGE model to show that a fall in the share of adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs) could replicate this finding. Calibrating the model to the drop in the ARM share since the 1980s yields a drop in the sensitivity of housing debt to monetary policy that is quantitatively similar to the VAR results. A sacrifice ratio for mortgage debt reveals that a policy tightening directed towards reducing household debt became more expensive in terms of a loss in employment. Counterfactuals show that this result cannot be attributed to changes in monetary policy itself. The results are consistent with the mortgage rate conundrum´ found by Justiniano and have strong implications for policy.Unconventional Monetary Policy and Bank Risk-Taking in the Euro AreaThis paper studies risk-taking by European banks. After an overview of the banking landscape in the euro area, we construct a measure of risk-taking that relates changes in three-month-ahead expected credit standards for several non-financial private sector categories to the risk of the macroeconomic environment banks operate in. With this approach, we want to tackle the question if credit standards react disproportionately strong to changes in the monetary policy stance. We use an estimated bond-market-based measure to assess the overall riskiness prevailing in the economy. We want to shed some light on whether banks act excessively risky and provide new evidence as well as an alternative assessment on the amplifying nature of the risk-taking channel of monetary policy. We put our measure into a VAR model in which structural innovations are identified with sign restrictions. The key outcomes of this paper are the following. Expansionary monetary policy shocks decrease our measure of risk-taking. Decreases in our measure are caused by disproportionately strong reactions in credit standards compared to the overall macroeconomic risk, especially since the recent financial crisis. Disproportionately in the sense that our macroeconomic risk measure is less affected by expansionary monetary policy shocks than credit standards. The credit granting reaction depends on the category: In general, loans to non-financial corporations are less sensitive to monetary policy shocks while mortgages seem to be affected more. We conclude that expansionary monetary policy shifts the portfolio of banks to overall riskier asset holdings.Risk, Asset Pricing and Monetary Policy Transmission in Europe: Evidence from a Threshold-VAR ApproachThis paper investigates in how far monetary policy shocks impact European asset markets, conditional on different risk states. We distinguish between macroeconomic risk, political risk, and financial risk and separately extract three factors via principal component analysis from a set of candidate variables that are assumed to be driven by these latent types of risk. Next, these factors augment a threshold-vectorautoregressive model that contains assets and a short-rate. We illustrate that during periods of severe crisis, different risk regimes coincide. This impedes a clear delimitation among these three types of risk. Further on, impulse responses show that we indeed see state-dependency in the reaction of asset prices to monetary policy shocks. AA-rated corporate bond yields only show minor state-dependency if we distinguish between states of high and low macroeconomic or financial risk, but show very pronounced state-dependency for political risk. Their sensitivity to monetary policy shocks is highest if political risk is low. Non-investment-grade corporate bond yields as well as equity of industrial firms face the strongest state-dependency when we differentiate between macroeconomic or financial risk. If these risks are high, junk-bond yields are very sensitive to monetary policy shocks while the opposite holds for equity of industrial corporations. Interestingly, financial equity reacts positively or insignificant to hikes in short-rates. The positive reaction is most pronounced for states of high financial risk. Consequently, monetary policy transmission via distinct asset markets highly depends on the degree of these different kinds of risk inherent in European asset markets.fMoving Closer or Drifting Apart: Distributional Effects of Monetary PolicyThe heating debate about increasing income inequality forces monetary policy makers and academia to (re-)assess the nexus between (unconventional) monetary policy and inequality. We use a VAR framework to unveil the distributional effects of monetary policy and the role of redistribution in six advanced economies. While all of them experience an increase in Gini coefficients of gross income due to an expansionary monetary policy shock, only countries with relatively little redistribution display a significant response of net income inequality as well. To examine the underlying transmission channels we take a closer look at the sources of income, i.e. labor and capital income. Our findings suggest that the disproportional surge in capital income is the driving force behind the increase in net income inequality.Item Abschaffung des Ehegattensplittings bewirkt steuerliche Diskriminierung von Ehegatten(2006) Scherf, WolfgangDas Ehegattensplitting ist kein Steuervorteil, sondern entspricht dem Leistungsfähigkeitsprinzip der Besteuerung. Die Pläne der "Familienpolitiker" verschiedener Bundestagsfraktionen zur Abschaffung des Ehegattensplittings führen zu einer steuerlichen Diskriminierung von Ehepaaren. Sie sind aus steuersystematischer Sicht abzulehnen und dürften einer verfassungsrechtlichen Überprüfung nicht standhalten.Item Academia in Transition: Empirical Evidence from Business Researchers(2022) Fernandes, MarioAcademia has been subject to constant change in recent years. In particular, the introduction of market-based structures and the implementation of performance-based funding decisions, often summarized under the term ‘New Public Management’, have affected researchers in a variety of ways (Hicks 2012; Schmoch and Schubert 2010; Schubert 2009). This dissertation deals with transitions that have shaped the academic labor market. The focus here is, exemplarily, on business researchers in German-speaking countries. Based on a unique, hand-collected data set, four articles address changes that business researchers have faced during the past thirty years. The first article “Publication Behavior in Different Fields of Business Administration: From Anecdotal to Empirical Evidence” investigates into the publication behavior (e.g. regarding the focus on practitioner journals or the focus on particularly renowned journals) of business researchers who operate in different business administration fields such as accounting or finance. The analysis of such differences contains important implications regarding the allocation of funds in business administration faculties that are often based on the professors’ research output (Sieweke et al. 2014). The findings show significant differences in publication behavior across different business administration fields and highlight that especially accounting professors tend to publish differently when compared to their peers in other fields. Among other aspects, they publish more often in practitioner journals and less often in internationally renowned journals. The article discusses that these differences might lead to disadvantages concerning resource allocation within business administration faculties and, hence, should be considered when evaluating the research output of business researchers. The second article “The Times They Are a-Changin’: Profiling Newly Tenured Business Economics Professors in Germany over the Past Thirty Years” analyzes how profiles of newly tenured business researchers, who were exposed to reforms associated with New Public Management, have changed over time. The results reveal that business researchers have become more diverse (e.g. regarding their gender or the internationality of their education) and that their professional networks have increased significantly over time. Most importantly, however, the article shows that tenure requirements concerning publications in highly renowned international journals have changed as well, i.e. in order to obtain a tenured professorship today, more publications in highly renowned journals are necessary compared to thirty years ago. This article provides important practical implications, particularly for junior business researchers who strive to become a tenured professor. The third article “Closing the Gender Gap in Academia? Evidence from an Affirmative Action Program” investigates the causal effect of an affirmative action program, i.e. the so-called Professorinnenprogramm in Germany. This program intends to increase the fraction of newly tenured female professors in order to close the gender gap in the academic labor market (Löther 2019). The findings of this article reveal that this program was successful in German business administration faculties. More precisely, the article shows that the probability that a newly tenured professor is female increases at universities that participate in this program when compared to universities that do not participate. Furthermore, the article delves deeper into the mechanisms of the program and shows that the program has lowered the entry barrier regarding the publication records for new female professors while not impacting the publication records of new male professors. The fourth article “How do researchers react to changing incentives? Causal evidence from a journal ranking update” focuses on the incentive effect of journal rankings. Journal rankings become increasingly popular, for example, to objectify hiring decisions or to allocate funds within business administration faculties and thus publications in highly ranked journals are often referred to as “the currency” in academia (Aguinis et al. 2020; Osterloh and Frey 2020; Drivas and Kremmydas 2020). Despite a growing body of literature in this field, our knowledge on whether and how journal rankings actually affect researchers’ publication behavior is still limited. This article analyzes the response of business researchers located in the German-speaking countries to the update of the most prominent German business journal ranking and provides causal evidence that researchers actually respond to journal rankings by adjusting their publication behavior accordingly. Furthermore, the results indicate that especially younger researchers and those with stronger publication records respond more strongly. Hence, this article contains important implications for university managers and policy makers who intend to steer researchers’ publication behavior. Overall, this dissertation presents how the academic labor market in German-speaking countries in general, respectively the academic labor market for business researchers in particular has changed over time. The reforms associated with New Public Management have impacted academia in a variety of ways and this dissertation provides empirical – partly even causal – evidence how these reforms have changed the way research is conducted and how they have impacted hiring decisions of universities. As a result, this dissertation offers important insights for researchers, higher education managers, and policy makers going into the future.Item Albert@100 - Special Issue in Honor of Hans Albert(2022) Albert, Max; Kliemt, HartmutItem Algorithmic Fairness in AI(2023) Pfeiffer, Jella; Gutschow, Julia; Haas, Christian; Möslein, Florian; Maspfuhl, Oliver; Borgers, Frederik; Alpsancar, SuzanaItem Alle auf Platz eins? - Kritische Anmerkungen zu einem kennzahlengestützten Ranking-System(1987) Stieger, HartmutItem An Albertian View of Buchanan’s Contractarianism(2022) Brennan, Geoffrey; Kliemt, HartmutItem The analysis of unconventional economic datasets(2016) Lüdering, JochenThe doctoral thesis at hand encompasses five research papers on three subject areas. Two manuscripts discuss the suitability of latency as measure for Internet quality across countries. The following two are concerned with the application of topic models and automatic classification of texts in an economic context, while the last paper suggests to combine social network analysis with survival analysis in order to estimate the impact of centrality on professional success.At first glance the three research areas are very different and have little in common in terms of content. While the study of Internet quality fits into the macro-development and growth literature, the two papers on topic models are only similar in terms of applied method but address questions on monetary policy and economic history respectively. Finally, the study on social networks and success belongs in the field of labor economics, sociology or business economics.At second sight one may realize that there are nonetheless some issues, which are common to the individual manuscripts: the datasets used in this analysis all consist of secondary data. This means that they were not originally intended to be used in economic analysis. Consequently, a lot of data preparation and cleaning was necessary before any econometric methods could be applied. As the data had not been used for this kind of research before, their economic analysis provides interesting new insights, which may not have been possible with conventional data. Further, the datasets stand out for their complexity and size. Which, along with fast-speed of change, are the classical criteria for Big Data. This made it necessary to carefully select methods and tools to work around the associated difficulties. The choice of the title "The Analysis of Unconventional Economic Datasets" shall emphasize the complexity and secondary nature of the data, the latter being a feature rather than a criterion of Big Data. Laney (2001) came up with three dimensions along which data might be big, which could also serve as criteria for a definition of Big Data. According to Laney (2001) the data can be changing fast, be large in size and/or of high complexity due to which the use of conventional tools and methods will be challenging. Based on the aforementioned criteria the manuscripts in this thesis deal with Big Data problems. However, I refrain from including Big Data in the dissertations title, as it has become a widely used buzzword, whose meaning has been diluted in the public perception. In addition, a comprehensive overview of Big Data applications in economics would be beyond the scope of this thesis.Item Analyst reports and capital markets(2013) Arand, DanielThis thesis consists of three independent research papers empirically addressing several questions relating to sell-side financial analysts and their role on financial markets.The first paper analyzes the behavior of analysts in the light of conflicts of interest.The second paper determines to what extend the informativeness of analyst research from an investor´s point of view depends on the regulatory environment of the subject company as well as the regulatory background of the institutional investors of that company.The third paper examines how the 2008 financial crisis impacted sell-side analysts´ behavior and performance, as well as stock market reactions to analyst research.Item Anforderungsanalyse zur Mehrsprachigkeit eines Web-Content-Management-Systems(2005) Volckmann, Jörn; Müller, Andreas; Schwickert, Axel C.'Think global act local!' Ein bekannter Spruch, der im World Wide Web seine Gültigkeit nicht verloren hat. Im Zuge der zunehmenden Globalisierung wächst die Notwendigkeit für einen internationalen mehrsprachigen Web-Auftritt, der auf die jeweilige Zielgruppe lokalisiert zugeschnitten wird. Für den Anbieter einer globalen Web Site stellen sich verschiedene Probleme und Aufgaben. Eine globale Web Site zu erstellen heißt unter anderem, kulturelle Unterschiede zu erkennen und entsprechend in der E-Business-Strategie zu berücksichtigen. Ziel des Arbeitspapiers ist es, grundlegende Anforderungen der Mehrsprachenfähigkeit einer Web Site und daraus resultierend an ein WCMS abzuleiten. Im zweiten Kapitel werden die Implikationen der Globalisierung auf eine Web Site dargestellt, um daraus Anforderungen und Vorgehensweisen für die Gestaltung einer Web Site abzuleiten. Darauf aufbauend werden die grundlegende Struktur von WCMS und die Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten bei der Gestaltung einer mehrsprachigen Web Site durch WCMS dargestellt. Im dritten Kaptitel werden die grundlegenden Anforderungen an ein mehrsprachiges WCMS erarbeitet. Dazu werden die aufgabenspezifischen Anforderungen an eine mehrsprachige Web Site und daraus abgeleitet an ein WCMS beschrieben. Abschließend werden die technikspezifischen Anforderungen näher untersucht.Item Anpassungsprobleme der Stahlindustrie(1977) Kuhn, KlausItem Die anrechenbare Wertschöpfungssteuer : Ein Vorschlag zur Gewerbesteuerreform(2006) Scherf, WolfgangItem Die anrechenbare Wertschöpfungsteuer : Ein Vorschlag zur Gewerbesteuerreform(2002) Scherf, WolfgangDie Gemeinden stehen derzeit vor erheblichen Finanzproblemen. Nach derletzten Steuerschätzung vom November 2001 sind ihre Steuereinnahmenim Jahr 2001 gegenüber dem Vorjahr um 5,4%, die Einnahmen aus derGewerbesteuer sogar um 9,9% gesunken. Die kommunale Finanzkrise gehtvor allem auf den Niedergang der Gewerbesteuer zurück. Deren Reformsteht seit langem auf der Agenda der Finanzpolitik. Die Gewerbesteuer isteine anerkannt schlechte Steuer und vor allem als Kommunalsteuer in nahezujeder Hinsicht ungeeignet. Sie verdankt ihren Fortbestand allein derTatsache, daß die kommunale Finanzautonomie wenigstens eine bedeutendeSteuer mit Hebesatzrecht erfordert.Item Are sustainability-linked loans designed to effectively incentivize corporate sustainability? A framework for review(2023) Auzepy, Alix; Bannier, Christina E.; Martin, FabioThis paper analyzes sustainability-linked loans (SLLs), a new category of debt instrument that incorporates environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations. Using a large sample of loans issued between 2017 and 2022, we assess the design of SLLs by evaluating their key performance indicators (KPIs) using a comprehensive quality score. Our findings suggest that SLLs only partially rely on KPIs that generate credible sustainability incentives. We document that SLL borrowers do not significantly improve their ESG performance post issuance and show that stock markets are rather indifferent to the issuance of SLLs by EU borrowers, while SLL issuance announcements by US borrowers are met with significantly negative abnormal returns by investors. These findings call into question the beneficial sustainability and signaling effects that borrowers may hope to achieve by issuing ESG-linked debt.Item Armutsbekämpfung im Transformationsprozeß : zur Bedeutung des Subsidiariätsprinzips(1997) Hemmer, Hans-RimbertNach dem Subsidiaritätsprinzip, das der katholischen Sozialphilosophie entnommen ist, sollte jede gesellschaftliche Tätigkeit 'subsidiären' Charakter haben. Diese Norm verpflichtet - seiner ursprünglichen Wortbedeutung nach - zur Hilfe(subsidium) von oben nach unten, falls die kleinere gesellschaftliche Einheit - schuldhaft oder nicht - in eine Notlage kommt, aus der sie sich alleine nicht mehr befreien kann. Eine höhere staatliche oder gesellschaftliche Einheit darf demnach nur dann Funktionen einer niederen Einheit an sich ziehen, wenn deren Kräfte nicht ausreichen, diese Funktionen wahrzunehmen. Die Gesellschaft soll teprimär die Initiative ihrer Glieder fördern und sich nicht an deren Stelle setzen. Der einzelne oder die kleinere Gemeinschaft sollte all das regeln, was er bzw. sie ebenso gut regeln kann wie umfassendere Organisationen. Die Befolgung des Subsidiaritätsprinzips entspricht dem Wunsch nach institutioneller Vielfalt und stellt ein Höchstmaß an Partizipation sicher. Die beste gesellschaftliche Hilfe ist aus diesem Blickwinkel deshalb die Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe. Insbesondere im Bereichder Sozialen Sicherung wird gefordert, zunächst auf Selbsthilfe zurückzugreifen, bevor Fremdhilfe verlangt wirdItem Armutsorientierte Entwicklungspolitik : Schwerpunktprojekt des Zentrums für regionale Entwicklungsforschung(1994) Hemmer, Hans-RimbertItem Armutswirkungen beim Übergang zur Marktwirtschaft : Das vietnamesische "Doi Moi" Reformprogramm(1998) Wilhelm, Rainer; Hemmer, Hans-RimbertVietnam gehört zu den ärmsten Ländern der Erde. Nach Angaben des Weltentwicklungsberichts 1997 betrug das Pro-Kopf-Einkommen des Landes im Jahre 1995 nur etwa 240 US-Dollar (US-$). Der prozentuale Anteil der von Armut betroffenen Menschen wird unterschiedlichen Untersuchungen zufolge zur Zeit mit ca. 30 % bis über 50 % angegeben - Werte, die im internationalen Vergleich als sehr hoch einzustufen sind. Im Jahre 1986, also noch vor Beginn der russischen 'Perestroika', hat das Land ein wirtschaftspolitisches Reformprogramm namens Doi Moi (Erneuerung) begonnen, dessen Ziel es ist, das bis dato am Prinzip der Zentralverwaltung ausgerichtete Wirtschaftssystem in eine marktorientierte Wirtschaftsordnung zu transformieren. In Vietnam setzte dies die radikale Abkehr von der sozialistischen Kommandowirtschaft und die Einführung dezentraler Allokationsmechanismen voraus. Die bisher erreichten Resultate sind vielversprechend: Die Wirtschaft wächst seit Jahren mit nahezu zweistelligen Raten, die gesamtwirtschaftliche Preissteigerungsrate konnte auf niedrigem Niveau stabilisiert werden, der Außenhandel expandiert, und die ausländischen Direktinvestitionen in Vietnam haben deutlich zugenommen.Item Aufgabenträger oder Verkehrsunternehmen als Gesellschafter von Verkehrsverbünden? : eine Analyse bestehender Verbundstrukturen und eine Bewertung unterschiedlicher Organisationsmodelle unter institutionenökonomischen Gesichtspunkten(2004) Knieps, ManfredVerkehrsverbünde sind aus dem ÖPNV-Sektor heutzutage kaum mehr wegzudenken. Weite Teile des deutschen ÖPNV spielen sich inzwischen innerhalb von Verbundgebieten ab. In den letzten Jahren hat sich die Zahl der Verbünde, nicht zuletzt ausgelöst durch die Regionalisierung, sprunghaft erhöht, ihre Bedeutung ist dadurch stetig gewachsen. Den letztendlichen Erfolg oder Misserfolg eines Verkehrsverbundes exakt zu messen und zu beurteilen ist dabei ein äußerst schwieriges, wenn nicht gar völlig unmögliches Unterfangen. Dies liegt vor allem daran, dass sich zwischen den Organisationsmodellen der bestehenden Verbünde zum Teil erhebliche Unterschiede zeigen. Kaum ein Verbund gleicht dem anderen, es besteht vielmehr ein buntes Bild äußerst unterschiedlicher Verbundkonzepte. Die Gründe dafür liegen primär in den verschiedenen historischen Entwicklungen der Verbünde, den differierenden gesetzlichen Vorgaben sowie den unterschiedlichen politischen und verkehrlichen Gegebenheiten vor Ort. Die Verschiedenartigkeiten in den Organisationsmodellen der einzelnen Verbünde zu verdeutlichen ist eines der Hauptanliegen der Arbeit. Die Ausführungen sollen aber nicht auf eine reine Darstellung der bestehenden Verbundstrukturen beschränkt bleiben. Mit Hilfe von Elementen aus der Transaktionskostentheorie soll vielmehr auch untersucht werden, welche der drei unterschiedlichen Grundformen von Verbundmodellen - Unternehmens-, Misch- und Aufgabenträgerverbünde - unter welchen Bedingungen tendenziell mit den geringsten Transaktionskosten verbunden ist und damit unter volkswirtschaftlichen Gesichtspunkten am geeignetsten für die Abwicklung der Verbundaufgaben erscheint. Die Frage nach der aus transaktionskostentheoretischer Sicht effizientesten Verbundform bildet den zweiten Schwerpunkt der Untersuchung. In deren Rahmen wird zunächst die Entwicklung des Verbundwesens im deutschen ÖPNV dargestellt. Neben den Kooperationszielen und -motiven werden dabei die unterschiedlichen Zusammenarbeitsformen im ÖPNV erläutert, ein kurzer Abriss über die historische Entwicklung des Verbundwesens gegeben und auf dieser Grundlage dann eine Definition der Kooperationsform