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Item 10 Jahre nach dem NSU. Vom Reden über Frauenhass und rechten Terror(2021) Lang, JulianeItem 9/11 The world s all out of tune : Editorial(2004) Helms, Dietrich; Phleps, ThomasItem 9/11 und die Folgen in der Popmusik I. : Ton-Spuren(2004) Phleps, ThomasItem 9/11 und die Folgen in der Popmusik II. : O-Töne(2004) Phleps, ThomasItem 9/11 und die Folgen in der Popmusik III. : Eine chronologische Auswahlbibliographie(2004) Phleps, ThomasItem 9/11 und die Folgen in der Popmusik IV. : Eine Auswahldiskographie(2004) Phleps, ThomasItem 9/11: Wie politisch kann Musik sein?(2004) Rösing, HelmutItem A Brief Historiography of African Economic History(2021-11-11) Maliehe, SeanThe paper recalls the long history of colonial exclusion of African perspectives from economic history. The struggle for the recognition of local perspectives is not only part of the fight for democracy, but essential precondition for science to overcome power related distortions of truth.Item A construct-psychological approach to the measurement of chill-sensations(2008) Kunkel, Markus; Pramstaller, Christopher; Grant, Phillip; Georgi, Richard vonChills, meaning strong emotional responses to music, have to date been almostonly examined within experimental settings. Within the pilot-study athand the first psychometric inventory for the measurement of subjectivechill-sensations (MRCQ) was developed using two successive samples. Herethrough is should be possible to assess intra- and interindividual differencesreliably and in a standardized fashion outside of a laboratory situation. Thefirst study descriptively examined open questions on chill-sensations on asample of n=151. A second study (n=108) examined the existence of latentdimensions within the pool of items constructed in the first study. Factoranalyses yielded five facettes of chill-sensations: positive, physiological,motor and social-cognitive reactivity as well as general disorientation. Allfive scales reached sufficient reliability for their individual item numbers.Correlations with other inventories (NEO-ffi, IAAM) show that chill-sensationsare closely linked to high extraversion, openness to experience andemotional stability. The results, however, appear to be indicative of differencesbetween the sexes. On a whole the results support existing researchand theoretical models, but there are also some important differences. TheMRCQ offers a possibility of researching chills in non-experimental musicsciences.Item A country on a knife-edge : Italy and its territorial differences(2011) Gelli, Francesca; Grasse, AlexanderItem AABA, refrain, chorus, bridge, prechorus : song forms and their historical development(2015) Appen, Ralf von; Frei-Hauenschild, MarkusThis paper deals with different dimensions of the formal construction of songs in 20th century popular music. First, it proposes that the form of songs is not only an obligatory starting point for analysis but is actually itself a worthwhile object of interpretation. It explains how the analysis of the formal song structure can produce meaningful insights on a semantic, symbolic, and functional level. Secondly, the authors provide a critical discussion on the use of prevalent terms such as chorus, refrain, verse, bridge, etc. They show that a study of the historical evolution both of constituent song parts, and of song forms in general, is necessary to overcome the internal contradictions and incompatibilities of the current terminology. This approach is the center of this paper. It refers to the authors analysis of c. 3000 songs spanning the whole 20th century with a focus on the decisive years 1920 to 1970. Illustrating the results with a large number of examples, the authors trace the development of the AABA-form, various verse/chorus-forms, the evolution of the prechorus and various other song parts, and song form models. The findings are supported by statistical data based on the US Billboard Top 100, and show the prevalence of certain models as well as specific trends in historic change. Finally, the paper shows that the awareness of formal conventions and particularities can be an essential pre-condition for the analysis of popular music s cultural meanings.Item AABA, Refrain, Chorus, Bridge, PreChorus-Songformen und ihre historische Entwicklung(2012) Appen, Ralf von; Frei-Hauenschild, MarkusItem Abhängige Inszenierungen der Unabhängigkeit : der Independent-Diskurs in Musikzeitschriften(2013) Doehring, AndréItem Ableitung von Technologien(1973) Schmidt, PeterItem Abschiedsworte an Abiturienten(1968) Krieg, Hans-PeterItem Addressing the Persona(2012) Moore, AllanItem Advancing group threat theory : contributions of panel-, experimental- and multilevel analyses(2007) Schlüter, ElmarAusgangspunkt dieser Dissertation ist die Feststellung, dass der positive Zusammenhang zwischen wahrgenommener Bedrohung der Eigengruppe und diskriminierenden Einstellungen gegenüber der Fremdgruppe eine robuste empirische Regelmäßigkeit in sozialwissenschaftlichen Untersuchungen zu interethnischen Konflikten darstellt. Mit dem Ziel der Erweiterung dieses Forschungsstandes untersucht diese Dissertation vier zentrale Fragestellungen. Die erste Studie analysiert die kausalen Wirkrichtungen zwischen wahrgenommener Bedrohung der Eigengruppe und diskriminierenden Einstellungen gegenüber der Fremdgruppe. Im Zentrum der zweiten Studie steht die Untersuchung potentieller moderierender Faktoren der Beziehung zwischen wahrgenommener Bedrohung und diskriminierenden Einstellungen. In der dritten Studie wird die Wirkung der objektiven demographischen Größe der Fremdgruppe auf wahrgenommene Bedrohung und diskriminierende Einstellungen untersucht. Die vierte und abschließende Studie dieser Dissertation richtet sich auf eine stärker methodologische Fragestellung und vergleicht die Potentiale von latenten autoregressiven Strukturgleichungsmodellen mit kreuzverzögerten Effekten und Wachstumskurvenmodellen für latente Konstrukte.Item Aesthetics of transgression and its strategies in post-Yugoslav art(2017) Vujanovic, BrankaAesthetics of Transgression and its Strategies in Post-Yugoslav Art offers an insight into contemporary art practice and image production within post-traumatic culture and post-socialist condition in former Yugoslavia. A theoretical position is established through a reconsideration of the category of the aesthetic and the notion of transgression as a continuous movement in-between contradictions that characterize this borderline condition, as well as our encounter with images and among images. The research entails contextual consideration, theoretical articulation and practical curatorial engagement in the context of former Yugoslavia. Particular focus is on photographic practices at the crossing between aesthetic and documentary realm. Defined as cultural symptomatology, these practices are analyzed around the concept of the symptom as it travels across the fields of cultural psychoanalysis and critical theory, visual studies and art history, trauma theory and theory of photography.Item Afrikanische und indonesische Musik zwischen Tradition und Pop(1987) Simon, Artur